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Stay with Orange or move to T - and which handset

Guest rpopo

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Guest rpopo

Hi All - first post so bear with me.

I'm currently at the end of my contract with Orange, and using an SPV c500.

Was all set to upgrade to the M600 (availability problems aside) but then found out about the joys of WNW.

So... I'm trying to decide whether to move to T-mobile, and If I do, whether to go for the Vario or wait for either the Breeze or the Hermes when they come out in a couple of months time.

I'm a light voice user - Flext 20 will probably be sufficient - but I'm sure I'll use plenty of data given the option.

I liked the look of the Prophet as it's not too bulky - it looks like the Hermes is a bit thicker and not really trouser pocket size. However, T-mobile clearly aren't planning to release the prophet any time soon if at all.

My current thinking is to do nothing until August, then switch to the Hermes when it arrives, on Flext 20 + WNW. Anyone think I'm doing the wrong thing?


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Guest mandt

So long as the Hermes is out in august as planned then I think you're on a winner! I recently moved from Orange to T-mob myself and have no regrets, They even sent me a text last week telling me they had charged me too much!!!

If you're only looking at Flext 20 though I would imagine there will be a charge for the handset

Oh and I'm using the vario and it fits in my pocket just fine!

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Guest chucky.egg

Hermes does look good, but seems slightly bigger than the Wizard, which is already a big phone.

The Prophet hasn't been taken by anyone other than Orange yet AFAIK, which surprised me - I bought one months ago to test for adoption by my company, expecting it to be picked up by all the networks. That tuned out to be a waste of time and money!

If you're currently a Smartphone user why not look at the SP5-type phones. Don't know what T carry ATM

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Guest ian_c

fwiw, I moved from orange (Nokia 7650 then SE P900) to T-mob (MDA compact) and have no regrets.

T-mob have been first to have most handsets and the deals are far more attractive imo...

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Ive just swapped last week, as you I was after an M600, but 'only' being with Orange for 8 years meant that there was no real effort made by them for me to stay.

I went for a Vario with WnW on Relax 25 as i'm not keen on the 18 month contracts as by 12 months phones seem to develop problems, plus the fact that newer/better phones always appear by then.

My only complaint so far is that typically the only poor area for coverage so far seems to be my house :)

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