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SSH Client for Hermes

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Guest julianmclean

Does anyone know of SSH client software that will work on the Hermes? It would need to be able to set up SSH tunnels like Putty does on PCs. Reason I ask is because my plan for the Hermes is to stream music from home rather than actually storing anything on the device, plus use SlingBox for TV, access files at home, etc. I currently do this when I have my laptop on me by SSHing into my home network with relevant tunnels to allow me to "see" file shares, slingbox, music server, etc.

Also, does anyone know if there is a UPnP-enabled music player for Windows Mobile, or a SlimServer client?

Guest julianmclean
I use mToken (http://www.choung.net/mToken/) as an SSH client, but don't think that will do what you're looking for i'm afraid :)


Cheers for the link. I just checked it out and it doesn't support SSH tunnels yet, but in the feedback section, it says they are working on it for a release soon. All I need is for it to open the secure connection and setup the tunnels, so once they add this functionality it should be exactly what I need, as I can then do everything else with other specific applications.

With the Hermes and high speed unlimited data, I will basically always have internet connection, so I'm trying to get out of synchronisation hell, and jsut keep all my data in one place (i.e. home) and just just access it whenever I want. May even be able to avoid needing any sort of microSD card as I'll have nothing to store on it!!

Does anyone know of SSH client software that will work on the Hermes? It would need to be able to set up SSH tunnels like Putty does on PCs.


What about Pocket PuTTY??? It looks as though it now supports WM5, though I've not tried it yet....

Report back if it works and is any good - I like the idea of being able to stream your music from your home network :)


Guest pete.major

Wow, just checked out the ORB website - this looks bloody cool... does it *actually* work? Gonna have to give it a go...

Hey jimbouk - do you have Windows Media Center? I really want to be able to schedule programs to record remotely...

I've tried to get the Terminal Services Client on the M3100 to connect to my home pc, but I'm not having much luck. However, I think it might be hard to use the MCE interface on such a small screen anyway.

Guest pete.major

Thanks Paul - I'll try that out.

It is pretty amazing. I installed the software with all the default settings. Then I logged on to MyOrb and presto... a list of all the media on my MCE box.

So what's the catch? What's the business model here?

Guest jimbouk
You'll see links to commercial content...


...but who cares when you can access all your media on any web enabled device...including your work pc and your 3100...

Guest pete.major
...but who cares when you can access all your media on any web enabled device...including your work pc and your 3100...

I completely agree. What's a few more adds with the bazillion I'm bombarded with every day anyway.

I was just a bit suspicious that's all... I figured I just installed a service that's crawling through my MS Money file and emailing my credit card details to some shark somewhere...

Guest julianmclean
Report back if it works and is any good - I like the idea of being able to stream your music from your home network :)


Will do as soon as I can - haven't got my m3100/Vario II yet - still waiting to see T's pricing, or if I can wangle data from O.

Guest jimbouk

I have been using Orb for about six months now and it seems safe and robust. Altbough I have music on my 1gb micro sd card, its really handy being able to pick up any tv or pics you want to show someone.

Although it does create a route into on of your home machines, it seems fairly safe and my internet security programs seem happy with it.

Guest julianmclean
Although it does create a route into on of your home machines, it seems fairly safe and my internet security programs seem happy with it.

This is why a good way to do it is to use SSH and tunnels, which allows you to open a single encrypted channel on one port number into your home network, and then all application traffic can be tunneled down it, being encrypted. Plus login credentials are encrypted, and you can use keys/fingerprints, etc.

Best thing is because you only need one port, you can SSH on 80 or 443 (i.e. http/web) so you can generally get through work firewalls, and also past any port restrictions applied by mobile operators. And before any says they can chcek the packets to see what type of traffic it is, yes they can in theory, but I'd be extremely suprised if they are doing this yet.

Guest pete.major

Hey Paul,

Thanks for the link for WebGuide3, it was exactly what I've been looking for.



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