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HERM100 vs HERM200

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Guest Paul (MVP)

So i've now had the M3100 about a week and a half, and the TyTN about a week. Shock horror, I am now using the TyTN as my main device... and here's why!

Although the M3100 (HERM100) is definitely prettier than the TyTN (HERM200), IMHO the Start / OK buttons are just that little bit too fiddly for me. The wider button layout on the TyTN just makes it that much more usable (altho the directional pad is pretty average on both), so i've switched. Add in to the equation the fact that the back of the M3100 is black smooth (shows every little mark) and the back of the TyTN is grey and rough textured, and at the moment, i'm definitely swinging towards the TyTN :D

I'm now considering that the revised button layout of the T-Mobile HERM100 might be the winner for me? :D


SPV M3100:




MDA Vario II:


Guest jimbouk

The T layout does look slightly friendlier for "fat-fingers" but I still prefer the O layout and look.

I use the M3100 in portrait for calls and in landscape for pretty much everything else (having trained my left thumb to operate the wheel on the underside of the device in landscape use) so rarely use the start and ok buttons on the fascia.

Guest The Doctor
IMHO the Start / OK buttons are just that little bit too fiddly for me.

Yeah i found that too when i had a go on one in the orange shop... was just a bit too difficult for me to get my thumb between the send/end buttons and the softkeys..... i liked the look of the Vario II's layout better from day 1, as you say the start/ok buttons look much more accessable at the bottom of the keypad rather than in the middle.


Guest Paul (MVP)

TyTN probably makes best use of the space although, as I say, the directional pad could be better (on both)!


Guest The Doctor
Posted (edited)
TyTN probably makes best use of the space although, as I say, the directional pad could be better (on both)!


Can't say i used the Dpad much in the shop.. found the wheel on the side alot easier to use.

the TyTN's keypad is much more spaced out... i'd have to have a go on one to comment but sometimes i find that keypads that are too spaced out are just too much effort to use (or is that me just bein lazy :D)


Edited by The Doctor

o2 Trion and MDA Vario II looks best to me (they fit the color scheme of my ThinkOuside BT mouse and keyboard ^O^. But they both have QWERTZ keyboards. I know, I know, I can remap the keys but I just dont like the way they look.

Guest rickwookie
o2 Trion and MDA Vario II looks best to me (they fit the color scheme of my ThinkOuside BT mouse and keyboard ^O^. But they both have QWERTZ keyboards. I know, I know, I can remap the keys but I just dont like the way they look.

Surely not on the UK versions?

Surely not on the UK versions?

Ignore the screenshot but the keyboard looks fine.


Guest Syphon Filter

I have freakishly small hands for an adult male so the M3100 I got isnt bothering me one bit. I can use the keys perfectly and as Paul says, the M3100 is uber sexy!

To each their own.

Guest jimbouk
I have freakishly small hands for an adult male ...

You know what they say...

Guest Syphon Filter

I knew someone would say something like that after I posted that!

Guest Snoopstah
Posted (edited)

Think I'm the only person who thinks all the HERM100s are ugly compared to the HERM200 TyTN.

Anyone wanna swap their TyTN for a Vario II with pink bits? :D

Edited by Snoopstah
Small gloves...

Small hedge clippers?

Small hedge clippers...

Small hedge!

Sorry this is getting out of hand. Ive not played with any of the Hermes variants but I'm a sucker for a looker and my fingers are pretty small anyway being young n all :D

Excuse my ignorance is vario ii a 100 or 200?

100 I believe - you can tell by the strip running around the screen.

Guest cedmondson
Excuse my ignorance is vario ii a 100 or 200?

According to the label in the battery compartment (mine just arrived) it's a HERM300

Guest jimbouk

Considering the layout is different from both the Tytn and the 3100, I am not surprised it has another variant number.

Guest Pondrew

At the risk of making unfounded statements having not even handled any of the models, I'd have to say the HERM300 is my favourite! :D

Guest Syphon Filter

Must just be the different button layout again...

HERM100 = M3100/XDA Trion/Dopod 838 Pro/CHT9000

HERM200 = TyTN/v1605

HERM300 = MDA Vario II

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