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Using wifi on M3100

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Guest mohoshin

Hi guys,

Can someone please give a step by step direction on how to connect to wifi using only the information of a mac address on a wireless network? i have the wififofum2 software which gives me the mac address.

Also how do you turn off gprs\3G so that it only connects through wifi?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Guest jimbouk

Don't quite understand your question. If you are trying to connect to someone else's wifi access point, then if it is protected (either by WEP/WPA) or by MAC filtering, then it wont be easy.

To connect to your own (or someone else's unprotected) wifi point, simply turn wifi on. You will get a pop up telling you that a wireless network has been found, click connect.

If it is protected then you will be asked to enter the encryption key. If you dont know the encryption key, then you can find out your own, by entering the wifi's web interface on a machine that is connected to it.

Once connected, make sure that you dont have any existing browser or messaging open and that your 3g connection is disconnected. Open Internet Explorer and if you are getting a valid internet connection from your access point, then it should open your home page.

If it doesnt work, then a) you have the wep key wrong, :D the access point has mac filtering on and your machine isnt listed (you can add your mac address to your own access point as above) or c) your neighbour doesn't want you to use his broadband.

Guest megumi_hikaru

I encounter the same issue the wifi is not as stable at times and 3G usually pickup the connection even when i am connected to my own AP.

just in case u CAN reply me. i am my office Network administrator and i manage my AP too.

it took a while for the WLAN to be stable for any form of connection.

it would be cool to have a option to managed connection.

Guest jimbouk

The device will only use 3g when it doesn't have a valid wlan connection (or if you already have a browser or other web enbabled app using the 3g connection when you start your wlan).

If your 3g connects during a wlan session, then it is most likely that your wifi connection isnt stable.

Slide the power slider all the way to performance to ensure max range.

Guest Snoopstah

My WiFi seems OK on my home AP, but quite iffy on our work network (uses LEAP for authentication). Once it gets a connection it tends to hang on to it, but quite often it'll end up seeing that my work network is 'available', but not connecting to it.

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