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Soft resets - How Often?

Guest philg2000

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Guest philg2000

Come on then... How often do you have to prod its bottom?

I reckon I do it twice a day!!

had a problem yesterday where I think PocketWeather had got in a tizz. I had 2 notifications for 2 SMS msgs, but couldnt get teh phone to respond so had to prod it, which resulted in the loss of one of the SMS msgs! :D (wonder if it was a lottery win...)

Earlier this afternoon, I kept trying to get Bluetooth to turn on before I got in the car, using Comms Manager, just kept back saying it was off. So... Another prod.

Softwarewise, I am running on the today screen:

Wireless App



(Was running Pocketweather, but turned off the today after losing that txt! <_< )

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Guest podavies
Once in two weeks.

Depends if im using just as phone once every two days.

if im doing extra stuff like watching movies and pda stuff once a day.

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Certainly a lot less than on my M2000! And generally it's really only whenever I've been fiddling with the registry! Some of the 3rd party software I've installed can be a bit flaky, but the base buld seems to be quite stable.

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Guest Funster
Certainly a lot less than on my M2000! And generally it's really only whenever I've been fiddling with the registry! Some of the 3rd party software I've installed can be a bit flaky, but the base buld seems to be quite stable.

I agree it's quite stable. The apps I use seem to behave also: Spb Pocket Plus, Spb Diary & Spb Weather. In fact, I think I've only soft reset once is 8 days.

Definitely better.

F :D

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Guest scoobytwo

mine has crashed twice in 2 weeks.

once while connected to my pc through activesinc. It was just sitting charging and the back light had went off.

and once just after i had came out of IE.

both times the screen had just frozen.

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