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Vario 2 battery problem

Guest wesbar

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Guest wesbar

The battery on my Vario 2 is stuck at 90%. It wont charge past this and after a day's use, it is still stuck at 90%. Any ideaswhat it might be. Don't really wanat to have to do a hard reset. Thanks.

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Guest wesbar

mmm. this gets stranger....

the battery level has started to go down now but only in 10% increments, from 90 to 80 and now 70%. Is this normal? Other devices (jam and k-jam) used to go down in 1% increments.

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Guest Pondrew

I haven't used the Hermes but have come across similar posts here at MoDaCo. Apparently this is common behavior, ie. how the battery reporting is implemented and the same as all other HTC Hermes Pocket PC Phones.

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