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Guest gavingovinden

Ok so I know it has some problems here and there but I have noticed that most of the posts here are about the faults so this one is just a straight up ass-kiss.


I have to say that this M3100 is a joy to use and is the best phone I've had to date from C500, C550, M500 and an old Nokia 7200!

It's very user friendly, the keyboard is genius, very fast and I rarely have to reset it unlike the M500 which locked up more than a state prison.

Give this phone its due respect, great job HTC!

Guest Pondrew

Good to hear you're getting on well with the Hermes but can I ask how long you've had it?

Guest jimbouk

I am nearly up to three weeks with mine. Best WM device I have ever owned - by a long shot.

The Orange M500 was the best wm2003se device IMHO (particularly compared to the slower m600 Wm5 device), but the 3100 really makes use of WM5 plus 3g, plus wifi, plus directpush etc etc etc

The one lazy key on the keyboard has now caught up with the rest of the keys...the battery usage is OK...the 3g speed (on O!) is great...the voice quality is superb and other than a few standard ppc apps, I use copilot live 6 - which hasn't failed me yet!

Guest Pondrew

Was worried that your impressions might be a bit too 'initial'! But if the two of you are both so delighted with the device so soon after launch (and after more then a couple of weeks usuage) then it's got to have potential.

I've been concerned by some of the observations on this board:

Interference noise - the Hermes speaker receiving interference from it's own telephone radio

Lockups on standby - devices requiring soft reset having locked up while in standby

Also Dade identified a hardware issue whereby multipress while using the direction pad causes changes of direction to be ignored...

Have either of you experienced any of these at all?

Jimbouk, surprised that you felt the SPV M500 was the ultimate WM2003SE Pocket PC Phone. Many consider it to have been crippled by the reduced 64meg of ram compared to other devices. Apparently this resulted in lockups if anything more then a minimum of programs were left running.

Now if it had boasted the full 128meg that some variations of the HTC Magician did then it would have some claim (although of course it still lacked wifi and hardware keyboard). Horses for courses really though as my vote would go to the MDA III (HTC Blue Angel) with the final rom as the best WM2003SE device (and if I'm not mistaken the latest build of that operating system officially released)...

Guest jimbouk

Quick answer ... No...

Long answer...never heard any interference noises but there have been a couple of occasions where the device had apparently locked up...but if I waited about 20 seconds it caught up.

I have turned it off at night probably ten times and left it in standby (on charge) the other ten night.

In addition to powering the thing off every other night, I have soft reset it now three times - for example today my call history started doing something I have never seen before - namely that the first call on the lost half disappeared under the topbar and even if i scrolled right up it didn't fix the display anomaly. A soft reset sorted it.

A mate has just got the voda 1605, after a year with a Kjam, and he is very impressed with everything about the device - and I can actually hear him now (as either his Kjam had very poor quality or my JAMin did).

Posted (edited)
Ok so I know it has some problems here and there but I have noticed that most of the posts here are about the faults so this one is just a straight up ass-kiss.

In general people only post when they are having problems, but got to agree with you - it's the best phone and/or PDA I've ever had, including a SE P910i and SPV M2000

I've been concerned by some of the observations on this board:

Interference noise - the Hermes speaker receiving interference from it's own telephone radio

Lockups on standby - devices requiring soft reset having locked up while in standby

Also Dade identified a hardware issue whereby multipress while using the direction pad causes changes of direction to be ignored...

I've not experienced this interference or any lockups on standby. As jimbouk says, it will very occassionally appear to lockup but will generally spring back to life if left for 20-30 seconds. This is very infrequent and generally the stability is a huge improvement over my previous WM2003SE M2000. I have managed to replicate Dade's issue with the buttons, but it hasn't actually manifested itself as a problem in normal usage - perhaps it would if I were to try playing games on it, but I've got my PSP for that anyway!! :D I don't know whether this is a soft or hardware issue - perhaps a future ROM will sort it out?

The quality of calls is a big improvement too - no-one could hear me on my M2000, but I've had no complaints at all since I switched to this.

I'd certainly recommend the phone to anyone!

Edited by matho


Mine's just arrived! I'm so excited I can't even get into the frickin' bag! :D :D

Hopefully all will be well. I've never had problems with an Orange SPV yet (IIRC)... :D

Guest Paul (MVP)
Interference noise - the Hermes speaker receiving interference from it's own telephone radio

Lockups on standby - devices requiring soft reset having locked up while in standby

Also Dade identified a hardware issue whereby multipress while using the direction pad causes changes of direction to be ignored...

- My interference noise seems to have stopped now weirdly

- No lockups

- Direction pad issue - not an issue for 99% of people in normal use


No fair! You're making me want one now! :D

so what you waiting for? Come, join us!

Guest gavingovinden

Nope. Never had an issue with interference. The first few lockups were mainly due to multiple programs loaded onto the internal memory, but now I've got my micro SD 1GB, no probs. I have one "lazy key" which is bugging me slightly but it seems to be getting better day by day. This phone rocks seriously hard. All my mates who are "dumbphone" users took one look at it, opened the keyboard and went straight to Orange... only to be told its out of stock! Hahahahahaha....

Guest Pondrew

All sounds good. I'm scheming on how to get one myself...

EDIT: should probably probably rephrase that, I'm actually scheme on how to get a Vario II! Sorry, I'm in the Herm300 camp! :D

Guest Pondrew

Well, hope you're happy gavingovinden, Jimbouk, matho et al, you persuaded me!

As you might have seen elsewhere I'm now the proud owner of a Vario II which set me back

Guest jimbouk

Well done, old chap!

Whilst you will no doubt find the odd niggle, we won't expect too much whinging now you have the MUST HAVE device of the year.


I've had mine for just a day now and I must say I find it much more useable than the M600.

Coming from a C500 with no PDA experience I thought the M600 was very nice but the screen was unviewable at a slight angle, and navigation was an issue. When I used the phonepad to dial out using my finger I'd have to press quite hard with my nail for it to recognise the key-press. With the M3100 I just have to press on the screen with a little pressure and the key-press is recognised.

Not really had a good play around with it, but so far so good :D

Guest Pondrew

Well, I think it's the best thing since sliced bread so far! Somehow it just feels so cutting edge and people shake their head in disbelief when I tell them that about HSPDA mobile broadband.

Did an online speed test which only returned a modest (for HSPDA) 770kbps but this was still enough to highly impress the guys at work, many of whom are making noises about signing up for one themselves.

I'm so glad I bit the bullet and got it! Will be sad to see the MDA Compact II (HTC Charmer) go... but not that sad! This is definately a time for 'in with the new' :D


I'm quite enjoying mine, it looks as sex as poss. Which is good.

The only thing that's REALLY troubling me is, I find myself sat there with the keyboard out and holding the stylus in one hand, as I'm used to the M500! Haven't quite got accustomed to the KB yet it would seem!! :D

Does seem nice though. Was pleasantly surprised to see how easy it was to get it syncing over BT (make that absolutely gobsmacked, actually).

Still no G3 for another 8 days, but hopefully it will be worth the wait. If I find I'm not usinig the b/w though I'll e a bit miffed! Hopefully people will start a thread telling us how to burn it most effectively? :D


I had my MDA Vario 2 for about two days and had to return it today becuase the speaker phone would distort like crazy. This was particularly evident when calling CS on 150.

Even at the lowest volume, it would distort. Anyway, got another handset and will try again once the battery has charged.

However, from the 1 hour of use I've had so far, it seems like an excellent phone. I had an SPV M600 before and that was so sluggish that I actually gave it to my girlfriend - still have another 6 months to go before that contract ends.

It was a real disappointment compared to the MDA Compact.

Guest jimbouk

I am now just past three weeks. I have thrown everything at it and it just keeps going. One hard reset in the early days, whilst mucking about with it, and four soft resets since (and only one of them to try to actually fix something).

Just realised that last month, with direct push only on for an hour or two a day (when out and about) and with mainly wifi surfing, I only used 3meg of data! My Try 3g starts on Sunday so am looking forward to unlimited data...so Orange users watch out - its my one man mission to use so much data that I clog up their servers and network so its as bad a T!

Guest Pondrew
so Orange users watch out - its my one man mission to use so much data that I clog up their servers and network so its as bad a T!

Good luck with that! :D

In the meantime we T-Mobile users will get on with enjoying our unlimited data at consistent speeds above 700kbps. All at a price varying from free to

Guest noodles-21

How do I use the push email on my vario 2 and will it cost me?

thnx :D

Guest jimbouk

If you have an exchange server 2003 sp2 (or your work email is via one) or if you use/rent an hosted exchange account, you set your device up to sync to the server and then turn directpush on in comm manager.

Otherwise, if your mail is from on older exchange server or a pop server, then you would need to set that up in activesync and either manually sync or set it to auto-sync at preset intervals.

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