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Orange + Blackberry

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Guest jibber

I've managed to get the Blackberry COnnect software up and running so I can talk to the BES server in work.

2 questions.

- Do I need to get it "enabled" by Orange as a service?

- if so, can I ring em up and just ask for it..does it cost more?

Such little information about it anywhere!

Thanks :D

Guest jibber

well, I finally managed to get in touch with orange,

THe following trasnspired...

OCS - "you can't have blackberry enabled unless yuo've bought a blackberry device"..

Me - "I don't want a balckberry device..I have a pocketPC phone with blackberry connect software I would just like to connect to my Blackberry Enterprise Server"

OCS - "you installed that yourself?"

Me - "yes, I installed it on my device"

OCS - "well unless we supply it ready installed then you can't have an enabled sim"

Me - "but you don't supply any blackberry connect enabled devices. PLease just turn on balckberry for my sim"

OCS - "we can't, unless we supply you with a blackberry device you can't have a blackberry sim"

Me - "well w're going round in circles now...am I allowed to install blackberry connect? It's free software from RIM..."

OCS - "you can install what you like"

me - "well I've installed it now ENABLE it for me"

OCS - "we can't enable blackberry unless we supplied you with blah blah etc etc etc."

repeat until bored

so there we go.

Orange won't turn it on..even tho it does seem to work on the device..just won't connect!



i thought all you needed was a gprs and desktop manager to sync with your pc you also need to let your messinging guys know what your pin number was.... hmmm

Hey i may be wrong ....

I have a blackberry device and also an spv m5000

come to think of it, the Rim software may work differently on the pocketpc

Guest jibber

apparently not :D

You need Blackberry "enabling" on your sim to enable you to talk to the blackberry gateway....bit of a pain really cos with a normal data connection it should just work I reckon!


apparently not :D

You need Blackberry "enabling" on your sim to enable you to talk to the blackberry gateway....bit of a pain really cos with a normal data connection it should just work I reckon!


You're at the mercy of orange here you do need the Blackberry APN provisioning to your number as the connect software can only talk to the BlackBerry infrastructure (or RIM Relay as it used to be known) via the Blackberry.net APN

However even if Orange didn't have a problem with adding you would need to pay for it as you're not charged per megabyte with BB it's a subscription based service and expect to pay around


oh stuff thaty :D

I only wanted to test it on the work server!

I get my personal email over activesync...

thanks for the info though!


This is why having a blackberry for personal use is much easier under T-mobile than with Orange.. I have setup 2 BB 's for my mum and dad and all they pay is a total

This is why having a blackberry for personal use is much easier under T-mobile than with Orange.. I have setup 2 BB 's for my mum and dad and all they pay is a total

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