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Anyone else having 3G connection problems this morning?

Guest randomelements

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Guest Confucious
Mine's stillgone,I have to connect via my WiFi

Strange - mine has been fine from 9 am yesterday - I work in Wiking and get the train to Clapham Junction then down towards Brighton. No problem with the signal.

Have you tried a soft reset?

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Guest danktuft
Strange - mine has been fine from 9 am yesterday - I work in Wiking and get the train to Clapham Junction then down towards Brighton. No problem with the signal.

Have you tried a soft reset?

Yeah, I'm going to give the unit a hard reset as soon as my missus and kid have left for Cornwall when I'll be able to give it my undivided attention...

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Guest jimbouk

when O died for a few hours the other night (about a week ago), it seemed to affect some but not all phones, even in the same cells. What I did notice is that 3g device seemed unable to get on the network (not even on 2g) whereas some 2g phones had full service.

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Guest Confucious

It's strange isn't it?

T had problems in London and the s/e from about 11:45 Thurs to 9am Fri judging by most peoples experience where 3G users couldn't get 3G or GPRS - does anyone know if GPRS only users were affected?

It's possible they were doing an upgrade (HSDPA? DNS servers?)but most users seem to be OK now - unless there are lots of people who can't post because they oly access this ite via 3G -hehe

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Guest danktuft
It's strange isn't it?

T had problems in London and the s/e from about 11:45 Thurs to 9am Fri judging by most peoples experience where 3G users couldn't get 3G or GPRS - does anyone know if GPRS only users were affected?

It's possible they were doing an upgrade (HSDPA? DNS servers?)but most users seem to be OK now - unless there are lots of people who can't post because they oly access this ite via 3G -hehe

This is doing my head in now, I have sporadically had 3g throughout the day but couldn't connect to the internet at any point. I've got used to hard resetting and have done that a couple of times to no avail. Now I have a 'U' where the '3' usually goes by the signal strength indicator. Anyone got any ideas?

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Guest randomelements

The fact that they originally said that it'll be sorted by Monday makes me think that they are doing some maintenance on the network.

When I asked if it was because of the 'official' launch of HSDPA they replied by saying they hadn't been told exactly what the problem was but it was to do with speed problems.

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Guest Pondrew
This is doing my head in now, I have sporadically had 3g throughout the day but couldn't connect to the internet at any point. I've got used to hard resetting and have done that a couple of times to no avail. Now I have a 'U' where the '3' usually goes by the signal strength indicator. Anyone got any ideas?

Did you bypass the T-Mobile customisation after hard resetting? Because the 3G symbol changing to the U for UTMS is apparently a side effect of doing that... if so I'd recommend letting the extended rom run as there are patches in there as well as just customisation cabs.

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Guest danktuft
Did you bypass the T-Mobile customisation after hard resetting? Because the 3G symbol changing to the U for UTMS is apparently a side effect of doing that... if so I'd recommend letting the extended rom run as there are patches in there as well as just customisation cabs.

Yes, I realised that was what I must've done so I did another hard reset. I got on the phone to them this morning and the hard reset had been installing the wrong username and password. It should be "user" and "one2one", God knows what the password had been reset to as it had about 15 asterisks. Anyway, the woman at support got me back online albeit with a very slow connection by send one of those service update texts. I then realised that I had missed a call due to the volume not working. No matter what I tried it wouldn't work so I did a soft reset, lovely the volume came back. Tried web browsing, no luck so I went to the settings and although the username had stayed at user the password had changed. Now, it doesn't matter what I do, the password will not stick.Gonna get on the phone to them again right now.

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Guest Pondrew
Yes, I realised that was what I must've done so I did another hard reset. I got on the phone to them this morning and the hard reset had been installing the wrong username and password. It should be "user" and "one2one", God knows what the password had been reset to as it had about 15 asterisks. Anyway, the woman at support got me back online albeit with a very slow connection by send one of those service update texts. I then realised that I had missed a call due to the volume not working. No matter what I tried it wouldn't work so I did a soft reset, lovely the volume came back. Tried web browsing, no luck so I went to the settings and although the username had stayed at user the password had changed. Now, it doesn't matter what I do, the password will not stick.Gonna get on the phone to them again right now.

Ok, the asterisks in the password field? They always number about 15. It's just the way these devices mask password fields (my WM2003SE MDA III was the same, MDA Compact II, and now the Vario II). I doubt the original password after hard reset was wrong at all. There must be something else amiss.

If technicial support don't come up with anything else helpful I'd give it one last hard reset, let the customisation do its thing, and then if it won't connect send it back to T-Mobile as faulty and demand a replacement...

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Guest danktuft
Ok, the asterisks in the password field? They always number about 15. It's just the way these devices mask password fields (my WM2003SE MDA III was the same, MDA Compact II, and now the Vario II). I doubt the original password after hard reset was wrong at all. There must be something else amiss.

If technicial support don't come up with anything else helpful I'd give it one last hard reset, let the customisation do its thing, and then if it won't connect send it back to T-Mobile as faulty and demand a replacement...

The asterisk thing. I thought exactly that but when the woman was guiding me through she specifically asked how many there were and when I told her 15 then she said that that was the incorrect number. Hey ho, on hold now!

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Guest danktuft
Have you tried the other username / password combination and both IP addresses as found here -> http://www.mobiholics.com/T-Mobile-Mobile-Settings-t26.html

No Confucious but I will!

I got through to second line support, the woman reckons that it could be either a faulty handset or SIM so I'm going to have to take the whole lot into a T-Mobile shop and put my SIM in one at the shop, if that doesn't connect then it's likely to be the SIM but if it does I have a Friday afternoon handset. Damn! Mind you,at least this has shortened my learning curve...

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Guest danktuft

Right, after THREE calls from T-Mobile customer service :D the common concensus seems to be that I have a faulty phone or SIM but it could be the network which is known to be faulty and which is scheduled to be given the all clear tomorrow. They are under instructions to tell anyone who calls complaining about slow speeds (rather than none whatsoever) that this will be the case until tomorrow. I'm going to have to take my phone into a shop and swap the SIM card out, see if I can get a line on another phone with my SIM card and vice versa. :D

Confucious, thanks for posting those settings, they may help someone, but T-Mobile had already taken me through those.

Still, one thing I've ben impressed with is T-Mobiles support people, knowledgeable, courteous, in no hurry to get me off the phone, they've been really good and I have two of them phoning back on Tuesday then Wednesday respectively to keep pushing the matter.

Edited by danktuft
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Just an update for people having 3g problems, I am a web'n'walk pro customer and the 3G icon has showed all the time yet the internet has never been able to connect unless it was in an area where GPRS was available only.

In any case, I deleted the password and changed it to one2one and my internet has now been perfect.

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