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Hermes breaks bluetooth connection to GPS when suspended :(

Guest ripnet

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On my old Wizard, when I was using a bluetooth GPS (with Mapopolis) I could start the mapping program, turn off the wizard (ie, suspend it by tapping power so screen goes off), and it would carry on logging my trail OK.

With my new Vario II, as soon as I hit the power button, it not only breaks the bluetooth com port connection, but I cannot re-connect without reseting the hermes (thank god it boots a lot quicker than the wizard!)

Anyone else had this issue? any work-arounds?

Does it really save that much power having the screen off as opposed to on and locked (with backlight off)???

its annoying



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Guest jimbouk

Don't know if you want to go this route but installing a third party lock (which turns screen off but avoids standby) would provide a very usable workaround. Can't remember the one I used before but it was handy for listening to music on my M500 and having the screen off and buttons locked.

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Guest Paul (MVP)

This was the same on the Prophet IIRC... an app that turns screen off only is the only option, or an app that turns the backlight off.

I'm doing CamerAware compatability testing with the Hermes next week, so i'll report back my findings on what we can do to workaround this (if anything!)


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Don't know if you want to go this route but installing a third party lock (which turns screen off but avoids standby) would provide a very usable workaround. Can't remember the one I used before but it was handy for listening to music on my M500 and having the screen off and buttons locked.

DeltaLock, the beauty...^

Doesn't SPB have a screen toggle function? Not sure how it works though...

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Guest Pondrew
This was the same on the Prophet IIRC... an app that turns screen off only is the only option, or an app that turns the backlight off.

I'm doing CamerAware compatability testing with the Hermes next week, so i'll report back my findings on what we can do to workaround this (if anything!)


Yep, have a friend with the HTC Alpine (O2 XDA IIi) and that was the same too. Sounds like the Wizard was actually unusual in continuing to maintain the connection in standby...

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Guest swampcat

On my old Wizard, when I was using a bluetooth GPS (with Mapopolis) I could start the mapping program, turn off the wizard (ie, suspend it by tapping power so screen goes off), and it would carry on logging my trail OK.

With my new Vario II, as soon as I hit the power button, it not only breaks the bluetooth com port connection, but I cannot re-connect without reseting the hermes (thank god it boots a lot quicker than the wizard!)

Anyone else had this issue? any work-arounds?

Does it really save that much power having the screen off as opposed to on and locked (with backlight off)???

its annoying



When you are at the screen where you establish bt connection with gps, uncheck the secure connection checkbox after it recognize gps, then tap finish.

After that, there'll won't be any problems re-connecting after power-off. :D

I had the exact same problem as you - using dopod 838 pro, Garmin GPS 10, MapKing

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