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Unable to download and view wmv files from web pages

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Guest demusss

Last week when it was on the news that a reporter was talking over Bushs speech, I though I'd try and find a video clip and watch it on my Vario II.

Did a search on google and found a page here that had a real media and a wmv file.

I knew that I couldn't view a real media so clicked on the wmv file. All that happens is the file gets loaded into PIE and displayed as funny characters. Tried in Opera and does the same.

So I tried to copy the URL and paste it into Media Player, BUT its impossible to paste a URL into media player!!

The only way of viewing a wmv from a website seems that you have to manually type the URL into media player. Is this correct??

Is there anyway of downloading it, or pasting the URL into media player?


Last week when it was on the news that a reporter was talking over Bushs speech, I though I'd try and find a video clip and watch it on my Vario II.

Did a search on google and found a page here that had a real media and a wmv file.

I knew that I couldn't view a real media so clicked on the wmv file. All that happens is the file gets loaded into PIE and displayed as funny characters. Tried in Opera and does the same.

So I tried to copy the URL and paste it into Media Player, BUT its impossible to paste a URL into media player!!

The only way of viewing a wmv from a website seems that you have to manually type the URL into media player. Is this correct??

Is there anyway of downloading it, or pasting the URL into media player?


I'm getting the samre thing. It must be a setting?, I also attempted to load the link in Media player but it just states that it can play the link


Guest demusss
Coolsmartphone has the clip available.


You need to register before you can download though.

Thanks, just tried to download it from there on my Vario II but the name it saves it as is "dload.php" which can't be played.

Also tried to download the new pimped up Lada clip, and that one loads up into PIE as funny characters.

Is there an equivalent of right click and save as?


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