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Upgrading from M500 to Vario II....

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Guest DoubleCheese

Like most people on here I'm upgrading to the Vario II, but from a SPV M500. I have it sync'd with my PC at the moment via Active Sync. How do I get all my contacts over to the Vario II, simply plug it in or are there any other steps I need to take?

Guest simonclark123

I too upgraded from M500 to M3100 (now unlocked to T Mobile web'n'Walk).

M3100 uses a later version of ActiveSync, so I installed that first, then sync'ed - all my contacts went onto M3100. I can now sync both phones.


Simon Clark

Business Telecoms

I too upgraded from M500 to M3100 (now unlocked to T Mobile web'n'Walk).

M3100 uses a later version of ActiveSync, so I installed that first, then sync'ed - all my contacts went onto M3100. I can now sync both phones.


Simon Clark

Business Telecoms

Yup, make sure you do it in that order too!

God knows what sort of mess you'd be in if ASync goes wrong at that stage...

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