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Quite a few people have said that my voice keeps cutting out every 3-4 seconds during calls when using the speaker phone?

Anyone else experience this?

Posted (edited)


Have you got the Microphone AGC (automatic gain control ) on if so turn it off. might solve this alternatively

this could happen if you are in an area of Weak 3g signal and it switches to 2g might cut out when that happens !?


Edited by Guest

AGC is turned off so it probably isn't that.

The 3G explanation sounds good but the cutting has occured everywhere I've made a call, and that covers most of East London at the moment.

With the speaker phone off, i understand that is improves or even goes away.


Seems I've discovered the problem...

It's to do with the speaker phone. Looks like it a cheap one (non-dupplex?) becuase whenever the other party's phone picks up any noise on their handset, it causes my voice to cut out.

Posted (edited)
Seems I've discovered the problem...

It's to do with the speaker phone. Looks like it a cheap one (non-dupplex?) becuase whenever the other party's phone picks up any noise on their handset, it causes my voice to cut out.

Doubt it i use the speakerphone all the time and my girl friend and myself can successfully talk to her brother while they are talking to us in full duplex mode. never experienced what you have been talking about so unlikely to be the hardware. Also if it was hardware related other people would have posted about this by now in the bugs and issues thread.

Try forcing your phone into GPRS 2G mode only its in the settings for phone. And then see if this still happens.

more likely (but still streatching here) to be east london. when the phone circuits are really busy or overcrowded they switch automatically to half duplex to save on bandwidth. happens a lot on international calls of mine but never happened to me on uk calls.

not helping i know but didnt think it was the hardware so added my two cents


WOOHOOOOOOOOOO 100 posts that was quick :D

Edited by Guest
Doubt it i use the speakerphone all the time and my girl friend and myself can successfully talk to her brother while they are talking to us in full duplex mode. never experienced what you have been talking about so unlikely to be the hardware. Also if it was hardware related other people would have posted about this by now in the bugs and issues thread.

Try forcing your phone into GPRS 2G mode only its in the settings for phone. And then see if this still happens.

more likely (but still streatching here) to be east london. when the phone circuits are really busy or overcrowded they switch automatically to half duplex to save on bandwidth. happens a lot on international calls of mine but never happened to me on uk calls.

not helping i know but didnt think it was the hardware so added my two cents


WOOHOOOOOOOOOO 100 posts that was quick :D

I've tested it quite a few times now and it is definitely nothing to do with the network. It is a hardware or software problem that only occurs with the speaker phone.

I'm going to return it tomorrow because the call quality is terrible for the person at the other end of the line. My voice will break up whenever the other person's phone picks up any sound whist I'm talking. However, it is crystal clear from my end.

Although this problem has yet to be reported, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, how many actually use the speaker phone? Not many I think.


Had the first experience of what you have been talking about today. i was on speakerphone to a friend and she says randomly it cut out a for a word or so. not every second word by any means more like every 4-5 sentences. she thought it was just reception till i asked her about it cos she said pardon a few times during the conversation.

Not had it cut out on bluetooth though. hopefully this will be fixed in the next rom update. but not the end of the world as its only once every 4-5 sentences still annoying though!!!

If it helps im in an area of full 3g reception so maybe its something to do with HTC not getting the 3G thing completely right yet. might force it to 2g and test again


Had the first experience of what you have been talking about today. i was on speakerphone to a friend and she says randomly it cut out a for a word or so. not every second word by any means more like every 4-5 sentences. she thought it was just reception till i asked her about it cos she said pardon a few times during the conversation.

Not had it cut out on bluetooth though. hopefully this will be fixed in the next rom update. but not the end of the world as its only once every 4-5 sentences still annoying though!!!

If it helps im in an area of full 3g reception so maybe its something to do with HTC not getting the 3G thing completely right yet. might force it to 2g and test again


Just before returning my unit today, I made a call from the Vario 2 to another number that I have (Nokia handset) to test things out. I put the vario next to my stereo and played a tune. I then listened in on the Nokia and all was fine... until I spoke or made any noise that was picked up by the Nokia's mic, at which point, the music started to break up, exactly at the same time as the noise or words were made.

As soon as I switched off the speaker phone, all was fine. From this, I very much doubt that it is a network issue., more likely to be software or hardware.

I don't think I have poor 3g or 2g connectivity either. Data speeds are about 1 megabit and voice calls are excellent when not using speaker phone.

Anyway, I have a new handset now, it is charging and I'll try again when I get the chnace.


well I hope its software and can be fixed as I can't take mine back (nor if I could would I intend to anyway) as its amazing and does everything rlse I want brilliantly.

it really is an amazing little device

I'm off for cocktails now with my girlfriend


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