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Hermes + HSPDA = The streaming generation...

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Guest julianmclean

So, I've had my Vario II for a couple of weeks, and have been madly installing and uninstalling apps to find the ones I like (first time on Pocket PC rather than Smartphone), and my key driver the who time is to take full advantage of the always on, high speed data connection that UMTS/Hermes offers.

I've been looking for solutions that will avoid me ever needing to synchronise anything manually (by which I mean plugging the phone into USB, or BT, etc). Push email + work Exchange server takes care of my PIM data, so the other things I've been looking at are access to files, media, etc.

My quest so far has come up with the following solutions:

- Sky TV is provided by Slingbox + SlingPlayer Mobile

- Video/Audio/Photos provided by Orb running on home PC, and WMP10 as player on Vario II

- File access provided by Orb add-on currently, although I would prefer something better and may look into setting up a VPN to home.

- Map/location searches provided by Map24

Slingbox has been very good for TV and I'm very impressed by Orb generally in terms of setup, but it isn't coping perfectly with my walk to work (some dropouts in coverage black spots). Map24 is also the best mapping software I've come across yet in terms of usability.

So, my question is, does anyone have any better/other suggestions for accessing any kind of content remotely from WM devices? The primary driver here is access to all information, anytime, anywhere, without having to think about it first. There seems to be a gap in the software market here - with the advent of high-speed fixed price data connections, the iPod generation should be over IMHO, and the streaming generation should begin!

If anyone has any good solutions, please post them here. I'll let you know how my further experiments go...

Guest julianmclean

Ok, it seems i'm on my own on this one! Surprised in the lack of interest to be honest - seems like the natural progression to me.

I thought you guys were at the bleeding edge?!


Don't know about anyone else but I've only had mine for a week and playing with it as much as a busy job and a new baby will allow :-)

But you're right, convergence is the way forward - ipods/standard mobiles etc will be antiques before long. Once we have blanket connectivity everything will be synched and streamed, TV though to banking. But technology from all parties is still playing catch up (e.g Flash for mobiles to allow streaming, personalised radio from the likes of pandora.com)

I was interested to hear of your experiences though. All I need now is more time... :-)

Guest richard_d
Ok, it seems i'm on my own on this one! Surprised in the lack of interest to be honest - seems like the natural progression to me.

I thought you guys were at the bleeding edge?!

It'll come - as HDASP is only currently available in the UK on one network (and only just launched), and only in very limited parts of the country it is still very early days! What functionality are you after that isn't available yet?

Guest gingerprince

perhaps the fact that tmobile prohibit streaming media is the reason noone has any answers for you.

Guest Matt Kirby
- Map/location searches provided by Map24

Thanks for that!

I've been playing with Virtual Earth Mobile which was a bit rubbish, and Google Earth which was a midlet which was even worse.

Map24 is amazing, the best mobile map application I've seen!

(And we all know that T-Mobile don't allow streaming, but just a little bit won't hurt them!).

Guest Matt Kirby
Time for me to try out map24 I think! :D


Another "must have" bit of freeware?


I'd say the JAVA Session Fix >>here<< is pretty essential :D

(It means you can allow Net access for a Java app for the whole session (Session) instead of having to allow it everytime it connects (Oneshot)!)


I got a Slingbox last week, and it is brilliant on my Hermes device (SPV M3100) even without HDASP, I wish there was someway to watch films and TV programmes I have downloaded and saved on my PC on my Hermes, something like the slingbox that re-encodes the stream to meet the need of the device???

I got a Slingbox last week, and it is brilliant on my Hermes device (SPV M3100) even without HDASP, I wish there was someway to watch films and TV programmes I have downloaded and saved on my PC on my Hermes, something like the slingbox that re-encodes the stream to meet the need of the device???

Orb is what you after. Great little app, but would be even better if I could get my laptops PCMCIA TV card working with it!

BTW that Map24 application is absolutely amazing. So much better than the googlemaps app, it is truly great. Must get on the must have free programs list!

Guest dskeeles

Hi - good to find a forum specifically for the Hermes!

perhaps the fact that tmobile prohibit streaming media is the reason noone has any answers for you.

True, but they don't block it.

Annoyingly, since the Hermes drops down from WiFi to 3G to GPRS automatically, I've found myself streaming Orb video over 3G because the WiFi dropped without me noticing.

Speaking of which - has anyone else noticed the terrible WiFi reception on the Hermes. I can use my Nokia 770 in the far corner of the house, but the TyTn almost has to be in the same room!


Guest battletank

Two points...

1. Streaming IS allowed on T-Mobile... but only with the Web'n'Walk Pro package.

2. For file transfers, etc, I'd recommend looking at the logmein.com services, which all work fantastically with the Hermes. Logmein Free allows file transfer (as well as remote desktop).

Two points...

2. For file transfers, etc, I'd recommend looking at the logmein.com services, which all work fantastically with the Hermes. Logmein Free allows file transfer (as well as remote desktop).

One point...

1. Logmein Free does NOT allow file transfers; Logmein Pro does.

Hi - good to find a forum specifically for the Hermes!

True, but they don't block it.

Annoyingly, since the Hermes drops down from WiFi to 3G to GPRS automatically, I've found myself streaming Orb video over 3G because the WiFi dropped without me noticing.

Speaking of which - has anyone else noticed the terrible WiFi reception on the Hermes. I can use my Nokia 770 in the far corner of the house, but the TyTn almost has to be in the same room!


The Hermes shouldn't drop the wifi connection if there is a signal, if it is doing this your config is wrong somewhere.

The wifi connection is set to preserve battery. You can change the power settings for maximum range if this is what you need.

Orb is what you after. Great little app, but would be even better if I could get my laptops PCMCIA TV card working with it!

BTW that Map24 application is absolutely amazing. So much better than the googlemaps app, it is truly great. Must get on the must have free programs list!

Yes, Ive had a good play with Orb since you recommended it to me, and I agree an excellent app, its not as reliable as my Slingbox, but I really like the idea of having access to all my media on the move.

Now if I can only get an unlimited GPRS account from Orange....


ive registered for logmein.

the free one is pretty good for remote desktop but is there any way while using remote desktop to copy files across. I know the pro version has file manager (which is very good when using it via the free trial) but thats $69 a year a hell of a lot for something which is relatively easy to set up for free via microsoft remote desktop.

or at the worst i can set up an FTP server on my home pc or web server and get my files that way


the free one is pretty good for remote desktop but is there any way while using remote desktop to copy files across.
Use the remote desktop to start up your FTP server :D (And I use my router's WOL feature to start up the PC :D)

Another vote here for Map 24. So far the only map (online or sat nav) that actually has our road name listed properly (usually just get unnamed road!)

Guest battletank
One point...

1. Logmein Free does NOT allow file transfers; Logmein Pro does.

Apologies - I use LogMeIn IT Reach regularly (same price as pro, but seems to have an extended feature set).

For what it's worth, I based my assumption on the blurb on the Logmein Free page, which states you can "open remote files".

Guest dskeeles
The wifi connection is set to preserve battery. You can change the power settings for maximum range if this is what you need.

Yep, that was it. Boosted it to Max Performance, and it's working fine around the house.

Blinding first post. Well, I guess they can only get better from here!




Yep, that was it. Boosted it to Max Performance, and it's working fine around the house.

Blinding first post. Well, I guess they can only get better from here!



How are you finding your phone with Orb?

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