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Change Reminder Tones on Tytn - Help please

Guest stuartforrest

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Guest stuartforrest

Does anyone know if you can change the standard reminder tones on a Tytn. I use my PPC to organise my life and have moved from a Smartphone where you can select very loud tones to go off when you set a reminder for a diary entry. On the Tytn I can choose from a selection of very quiet bleeps and bongs and laughingly for a business phone I can even choose a dog barking! None of which are suitable of loud enough.

On the smartphone I found you could get your own tone and upload it to a place in local settings ( I cant remeber the exact location) and then you could select that as an alarm/reminder. That was great.

On the Tytn I have uploaded various types of sound files to various locations but they never show up in the list of Reminder tones to select from. I have even tried replacing the standard tones with mine. i.e. calling my file dogbark.whatever but that didnt work because the reminder tones are in the rom seemingly.

Please does anyone know how I can use my own tone for an alarm or get a wider choice to select from.

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Guest Neekos

Hi stuartforrest.

On the M3100 I put put my remider tones on the windows folder and they are selected fine. BTW, reminder tones cannot be MP3. They can be WAV (and maybe mid I think?).

Hope this helps.


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Guest stuartforrest

I cant believe it was that simple. I tried everywhere and didnt find the right place but it worked as soon as I put them there. Thank you so much.

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