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FinalBurn for WinCE 0.014

Guest masterall

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Guest masterall

yes, PolloLoco is correct

I also have the idea to use stylus to move the airplane when I know what SkyForce did. However, I realize it is not a easy thing. you have to analyse every game to find the unique memory address which store the position of the airplane. when the unique memory address is available, the stylus control can be realized in the emulator.

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I tried a HP IPAQ 1940 (320x240) and works a lot better (smooth) than my AXIM X51v.

Where is the problem?

Dunno, maybe your dell is the problem? Some friends of mine have a dell x51v as well, and it runs ALOT better than on my yakukom (412mhz)...

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Guest PolloLoco


Can you tell me where on a smartphone - this program would write to besides the folder I put it in?

Once again, most of the large capacity games I try to run - won't load. Either it'll claim a lack of memory - or load to a black screen. This will only happen with the bigger CPS2 games, Neo Geo loads fine oddly enough.

I have 18 megs of onboard memory - 32 megs of free RAM, and a couple hundred megs of memory on my mini SD card. So I don't think I'm actually lacking any memory. I'm running WM5.

One thing I've noted, is that every time I successfully load finalburn, it'll flash back to the last scene of that game - when I played it last. That last scene will run for a split second, then the game will load. So I figure that Finalburn must be saving that image at least, somewhere else. Any idea where that might be?

I'd hate to have to do a hard reset every couple of weeks - so I'd much rather find out where the memory issue might be.

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Guest Michelangelos
yes, PolloLoco is correct

I also have the idea to use stylus to move the airplane when I know what SkyForce did. However, I realize it is not a easy thing. you have to analyse every game to find the unique memory address which store the position of the airplane. when the unique memory address is available, the stylus control can be realized in the emulator.

I see..

but the POCKETCULTMAME emulator has it working on some games and the author is making the new version that will include the feature too for all..

did you saw it?


the latest WiP version:


the programmer :):

Manuel Castrillo Martínez (email: manu[at]pocketcult[dot]com)



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Guest mikeeey
I see..

but the POCKETCULTMAME emulator has it working on some games and the author is making the new version that will include the feature too for all..

did you saw it?


the latest WiP version:


the programmer :):

Manuel Castrillo Martínez (email: manu[at]pocketcult[dot]com)



what i lik about this is from what im reading, theres a lot more features on this emulator and u can flip the screens orentation. what i dont like is its not for smartphones =(. well im sure that soon enough masteralls emulator will support screen rotation. when that hapens il be very happy lol

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I see..

but the POCKETCULTMAME emulator has it working on some games and the author is making the new version that will include the feature too for all..

did you saw it?


the latest WiP version:


the programmer :):

Manuel Castrillo Martínez (email: manu[at]pocketcult[dot]com)



all right, please, give me ONE decent(as finalburn's) title that u made LAUNCHABLE in pcultmame;/

wip 0.5 is totally bad build. 0.4 isnt able to run any gg with 48 mb free. so?



stylus steering is absurd for two reasons,imho of coz..:

- its slowing down some devies(up to 40%), and theres NOTHIN to do something with that.

- its colliding with onscreen buttons, where problem said above is making game slower, but not CONSTANTLY, and these buttons are still useable.

best thing is to make choice to use this or that..... but vide above, its seems to be not easy to add.

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Guest mikeeey
all right, please, give me ONE decent(as finalburn's) title that u made LAUNCHABLE in pcultmame;/

wip 0.5 is totally bad build. 0.4 isnt able to run any gg with 48 mb free. so?



stylus steering is absurd for two reasons,imho of coz..:

- its slowing down some devies(up to 40%), and theres NOTHIN to do something with that.

- its colliding with onscreen buttons, where problem said above is making game slower, but not CONSTANTLY, and these buttons are still useable.

best thing is to make choice to use this or that..... but vide above, its seems to be not easy to add.

i agree lol. 0.5 wouldnt run. it requires .4 to run but its all weird and stuff, might also be cuz im using a smartphone

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Guest PolloLoco


Don't worry about not being able to run PocketCultMame. I found that program EXTREMELY frustrating, because the ROM's have to be in exactly the right format, with exactly the right files to run.

Masterall's finalburn is much more forgiving - and the games that do work, run 100%. The only game I was able to get running on PocketCultMame (Golden Axe) ran rather slow and buggy, after about an hour of directed help. I'm sure I could get more games to work - but I didn't feel the individual effort needed for each ROM was worth it, especially when Finalburn runs so well.

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Guest mikeeey

Don't worry about not being able to run PocketCultMame. I found that program EXTREMELY frustrating, because the ROM's have to be in exactly the right format, with exactly the right files to run.

Masterall's finalburn is much more forgiving - and the games that do work, run 100%. The only game I was able to get running on PocketCultMame (Golden Axe) ran rather slow and buggy, after about an hour of directed help. I'm sure I could get more games to work - but I didn't feel the individual effort needed for each ROM was worth it, especially when Finalburn runs so well.

o ok. i guess that it sounded really good jsut from what i read, being that it could flip the screen and had more options. yea shortly after i used sphelper to try it out and i couldnt get anything to work with it. even some simple cps1 an 2 games

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u know, im not talkin' about correct versions of romsets.. im tryin to say, that pcultmame took away my hope to make MS, last blade, samurai showdown possible on ppc by that cretinal memory error on ppc wm03 with 48 mb free;/

and what are we seeing here?


and these marvellous shmups, damn!

happy christmas, people,

best wishes,

thanks masterall,


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Guest mikeeey

so Michelangelos any luck with getting the combos to work?

o and masterall is there anyway the seibuspi driver could ever be supported? i cant seem to find this driver as a zip file tho, maybe its some other zip that contains multiple drivers including this one as 1 big package. the raiden fighters games use that driver and a lot of people like that game.

is it even possible to add this driver to finalburn?

also it says this game is for mame, would it require any drivers if u use the mame version? the only version out there i think

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Guest PolloLoco

I think I MAY have solved my memory issues. At least for now.

If you're running WM5 and you can't get a game to cache - or when it loads a pre-existing cache and gives you only a black screen - you might be interested in this post.

WM5 doesn't allow you to allocate memory resorces between storage and program - unlike WM3. Instead, there's a set limit for each of the two types of cache. If you change the registry - or use a program that does so - you can raise the limits for both. One of the Cache's is set to 0 - which means the phone has to evaluate how much memory will be needed for EACH application. Setting the cache for the phone means it doesn't have to evaluate - and so your phone will speed up by 20%.

Warning: Some users have reported negative effects by these changes. Programs either fail or work buggy. I've only been running these changes since yesterday and everything seems to work beautifully. My phone responds noticeably faster.

So - if you're frustrated by blackscreens in Finalburn, or are unable to even load a game - google "WM5 Cache" for detailed information. I hope this isn't just a temporary fix for me, because I'm pretty happy now.

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I think I MAY have solved my memory issues.

so wm05 isn't nightmare, its just controlled nightmare :) :D

btw, i thought ,that every ppc emuls fan knows something about ppc's and system, and is able to tweak and change everything to make IT playable(it means whatever You want :D ), including setting emulator as SHELL(lol..).

im curious, how much(many? uhh, heavy head..;s) free program mem u did set/have?

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Guest mikeeey
I think I MAY have solved my memory issues. At least for now.

If you're running WM5 and you can't get a game to cache - or when it loads a pre-existing cache and gives you only a black screen - you might be interested in this post.

WM5 doesn't allow you to allocate memory resorces between storage and program - unlike WM3. Instead, there's a set limit for each of the two types of cache. If you change the registry - or use a program that does so - you can raise the limits for both. One of the Cache's is set to 0 - which means the phone has to evaluate how much memory will be needed for EACH application. Setting the cache for the phone means it doesn't have to evaluate - and so your phone will speed up by 20%.

Warning: Some users have reported negative effects by these changes. Programs either fail or work buggy. I've only been running these changes since yesterday and everything seems to work beautifully. My phone responds noticeably faster.

So - if you're frustrated by blackscreens in Finalburn, or are unable to even load a game - google "WM5 Cache" for detailed information. I hope this isn't just a temporary fix for me, because I'm pretty happy now.

what if everything seems to be fine for me, my cache works, and i dont get black screens. if i do this WM5 Cache thing will finalburn be even faster for me? of corse when i restart my phone and loado finalburn up its fastest, cuz o hav 27,000kb of ram, but if my phone has been on il only have about 20,000kb.

do u think i should do this wm5 cache?

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Guest PolloLoco

I would not change the registry settings unless you're having problems. Like I said - according to other reports, it's risky. I see a little improvement with respect to speed on games, but not enough that I'd want to risk everything - if it weren't for my finalburn experience having gotten so frustrating.

I set both Cache settings to 16 megs each. My phone is still running great with finalburn games I was unable to run before. I noticed less slowdown in some high-powered games - like Shocktroopers 2 for Neo Geo.

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I would not change the registry settings unless you're having problems. Like I said - according to other reports, it's risky. I see a little improvement with respect to speed on games, but not enough that I'd want to risk everything - if it weren't for my finalburn experience having gotten so frustrating.

I set both Cache settings to 16 megs each. My phone is still running great with finalburn games I was unable to run before. I noticed less slowdown in some high-powered games - like Shocktroopers 2 for Neo Geo.

its useful find, good to know, just in case...

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Guest Awesoft
Dunno, maybe your dell is the problem? Some friends of mine have a dell x51v as well, and it runs ALOT better than on my yakukom (412mhz)...

I tried with 3 X51v and all they have the same problem: a bit of tearing

Maybe the problem is the 640x480 to 320x240 conversion (VGA to QVGA)

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Guest daemonk

Great program. I got all games on that list to run on my htc hermes. The slide out keypad works pretty well on the Hermes actually. One request though. An option to map multiple keys to one command would be nice. The keys are pretty big on the Hermes, so it would be nice to be able to set both Q and A to left; E and D to right; and set W as up and S as down. That way I can just quickly move my thumb right or left when I go up/down.

BTW. to get some games to run on Hermes, you need to do that memory registry hack and set the cache to 32768.

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Guest mikeeey
Great program. I got all games on that list to run on my htc hermes. The slide out keypad works pretty well on the Hermes actually. One request though. An option to map multiple keys to one command would be nice. The keys are pretty big on the Hermes, so it would be nice to be able to set both Q and A to left; E and D to right; and set W as up and S as down. That way I can just quickly move my thumb right or left when I go up/down.

BTW. to get some games to run on Hermes, you need to do that memory registry hack and set the cache to 32768.

u could probably do that with the combo keys, that is if i knew how to set the combos so they work, no one has really said anything back about getting them to work

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I tried with 3 X51v and all they have the same problem: a bit of tearing

Maybe the problem is the 640x480 to 320x240 conversion (VGA to QVGA)

not maybe, it IS problem.

vga is 50%(more in some cases) slower than qvga, and even cpu isnt able to help much.

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I just noticed a wierd thing....some savegames dont stay in the STATE folder...they go to my documents, or ROMS and i think that those are the ones that dont wotk...


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Guest mikeeey
I just noticed a wierd thing....some savegames dont stay in the STATE folder...they go to my documents, or ROMS and i think that those are the ones that dont wotk...


really? thats never happened with me before

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Guest PolloLoco
I just noticed a wierd thing....some savegames dont stay in the STATE folder...they go to my documents, or ROMS and i think that those are the ones that dont wotk...


That's happened to me a lot, but I always get them to work by navigating to the right folder when loading, or I manually cut and paste to the right folder. It seems like the save feature randomly loses the path - though you can see where it intends to save. Just keep track of the save files and they should always work. Except for Neo Geo that is.

Has any emulator successfully saved Neo Geo - pc or otherwise? I'm just wondering if that's a reasonable expectation for this program.

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Guest راعي &#1

will FinalBurn will work on imate SPjas (HTC MTeoR) after unlouking app ???

and how it work on it ?????


Edited by راعي الفتك 2005
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