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Paul's Vodafone Palm Treo 750v review now online!

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest Paul (MVP)

I'm pleased to announce that my Vodafone Palm Treo 750v review is now online!

Click Here to read the review in full!

Here's a few images and quotes from the review for you :)


Do you remember where you were the day Palm announced they were making a Windows Mobile device? :P

OK, so maybe on a global scale it wasn't THAT important, but i'm pretty sure that it shocked a lot of people in the industry when Palm annouced that they would be releasing the Treo 700w, their first Windows Powered Treo in the USA. It sure shocked me!

For the tech enthusiast, the specs don't make the most exciting reading.

The 300MHz processor loses 100MHz to the same processor in the HTC Hermes, the square screen is a lower resolution than the QVGA screen normally seen on Pocket PC devices, the 1.3MP camera (sans flash) is low end, and the properietary sync / charge connectors are certain to be unpopular. Finally, it's not exactly slim or compact :D

Of course, specs aren't everything... read on to find out if the Treo is more than just the sum of it's parts!

In a nutshell, the messaging app is absolutely brilliant, and by far one of my favourite things about the 750v. Aside from the threading (which is awesome), the emoticon support is good, it supports queuing SMS when out of service that are then sent later, starting an SMS then turning it into an MMS... the list of features is impressive.

I'd like to close the review with a plea to Palm.... PLEASE recognise that you can still make great devices without making them look EXACTLY like the last Treo :D

750v-messaging4.jpg750v-rightmenu.jpg750v-settings.gif [bimg][/bimg]

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Guest Paul (MVP)

Well, they're totally different really, it's comparing apples to oranges.

For me, the 750v is better, but if you like the RollR and want integrated GPS, then the 3300 might be better for you...


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