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Cannot get contacts from outlook onto my SPV M500 after catastrophic power loss

Guest inviz_

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Hey Girls & Boys.

Yeah, that's right.

Me SPV M500 has been and gone and died after a weekeknd without power and has totally erased everything :)

I made a backup with my PC via activesync, but I tried to restore it and it just wont have it. Says my backup file aint valid!

I do, however have a full copy of my phonebook stored in outlook and obviously i need this synched ASAP!




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I'm a bit confused when you say made a backup?

Through ActiveSync (AS), the Outlook Contacts (& I presume your not talking about Outlook Express) as synced when you create a partnetship with your M500.

When you connect the M500 to your PC does AS launch? It should.

You might need to create new partnership. This will then sync all you Contacts & Calendar entries etc to the M500.

If your using Outlook Express, my apologies for mis-understanding you.

Just thinking about it..... The m500 will have come with a copy of Outlook so if your not using it, then suggest you do install & the nyou may be able to copy contacts from OE into Outlook???

Kind Regards,

Edited by jscotl
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Guest jimbouk

Make sure you have given the device the same name after the hard reset (which is basically what the power out has done) or you could create a new partnership (ie delete all the existing partnerships in AS on the pc and then connect the device and set it up as a new partnership)

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