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"Message Sent" Notification Sound

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Does anybody know of a way to change the "Message Sent" notification sound?

I have just moved from an SPV M600 to an M3100 and the notification sound is the same as the error message sound on the M600, which is taking some getting used to. On the M600 it was a nice unique musical "ding"!

Maybe a Registry tweak?

Does anybody know of a way to change the "Message Sent" notification sound?

I have just moved from an SPV M600 to an M3100 and the notification sound is the same as the error message sound on the M600, which is taking some getting used to. On the M600 it was a nice unique musical "ding"!

Maybe a Registry tweak?

I used Tweaks2K to totally get rid of mine.

I used Tweaks2K to totally get rid of mine.

Thanks Wam7, I've used Tweaks2K on a smartphone but never on a Pocket PC. I'll give it a go.

Guest pd.ryder
Posted (edited)

Try going into Settings>Sounds & Notifications and either turn it off or choose a new 'un?

You can turn off the pop-up notification in there too :)

Edited by pd.ryder
Try going into Settings>Sounds & Notifications and either turn it off or choose a new 'un?

You can turn off the pop-up notification in there too :)

There's only a "Media Message Sent" Event listed in the Notifications tab. I cannot find an event for "Text Message Sent". Or am I missing something?

In the Sounds tab, if I uncheck "Notifications (alarms, reminders)", I will presumably disable this sound but will also diable my alarms, right?

Guest pd.ryder

1. You're probably not missing anything and it sounds as though there's quite some difference in the way these events are presented on your M2000.

2. I guess the Notifications tab is directly related to the Alarms etc, rather than Events such as msgs sent etc.

I think I just assumed you were using a Hermes variant :)

1. You're probably not missing anything and it sounds as though there's quite some difference in the way these events are presented on your M2000.

2. I guess the Notifications tab is directly related to the Alarms etc, rather than Events such as msgs sent etc.

I think I just assumed you were using a Hermes variant :)

Oops! I sold my M2000 months ago, now using an M3100 but still can't find this setting in the Sounds & Notifications options - maybe there's a difference with the Vario II?

Could any M3100 owners shed any light on this?


It's the 'Default' sound setting that controls the Message sent sound. The problem is that it's not available in the sound & notification settings.

I have created a small cab enabling the event 'Messaging: Default' and selecting the sound msgbox from start. You can then change this sound to whatever you like. Note that you must have an English version of WM5....

I have tried it on my Hermes with success.



very nice tool... not tried it but good work... once confirmed working you might want to think of posting it in the downloads section.. :)

P.S. Welcome to MoDaCo! (nice first post)

Posted (edited)
It's the 'Default' sound setting that controls the Message sent sound. The problem is that it's not available in the sound & notification settings.

I have created a small cab enabling the event 'Messaging: Default' and selecting the sound msgbox from start. You can then change this sound to whatever you like. Note that you must have an English version of WM5....

I have tried it on my Hermes with success.

Fantastic fm01!

Can anyone confirm that it works on an SPV M3100 before I try it myself?

Edited by Guest
very nice tool... not tried it but good work... once confirmed working you might want to think of posting it in the downloads section.. :)

P.S. Welcome to MoDaCo! (nice first post)

very nice tool... not tried it but good work... once confirmed working you might want to think of posting it in the downloads section.. :D

P.S. Welcome to MoDaCo! (nice first post)

Thank you for the welcome!

So, has anybody tried it? If it's not working it is just to uninstall it as usual and everything is as before. As I mentioned before, I have used it on my Hermes without problem...

Guest pd.ryder

I seem to have many options via a drop-down box in Settings>Personal>Sounds&Notifications to set different sounds / vibrate / flash light for everything from Text Message Sent to Sending MMS, Downloading MMS, Beam: Autoreceive, New Email, etc etc - loads of Events to set different sounds and/or combinations of vibrate and flashing of the LED without this delightful cab.

Do other variants not have these options ie M3100?

I seem to have many options via a drop-down box in Settings>Personal>Sounds&Notifications to set different sounds / vibrate / flash light for everything from Text Message Sent to Sending MMS, Downloading MMS, Beam: Autoreceive, New Email, etc etc - loads of Events to set different sounds and/or combinations of vibrate and flashing of the LED without this delightful cab.

Do other variants not have these options ie M3100?

We have the same options on the M3100 but Text Message Sent is not listed, annoyingly!

Guest pd.ryder
Posted (edited)

Well done Orange :)

Edited by pd.ryder
Well done Orange :)

I don't have it on my Vario either, I only seem to have some of the various bings and bongs listed.

Guest pd.ryder

Show and tell time chaps :D

Here's what's listed in the Vario II Events box:

ActiveSync: Begin sync

ActiveSync: End sync

Beam: Autoreceive

Connection disconnected

Connection established

Messaging: Downloading MMS

Messaging: MMS downloaded

Messaging: MMS sent

Messaging: New email message

Messaging: New MMS

Messaging: New text message

Messaging: Sending MMS

Phone: Incoming call

Phone: Missed call

Phone: Voice mail


Which models have / haven't got these or any more? How strange they should be so different, assuming they're all WM5 PPC's :)

Show and tell time chaps :D

Here's what's listed in the Vario II Events box:

ActiveSync: Begin sync

ActiveSync: End sync

Beam: Autoreceive

Connection disconnected

Connection established

Messaging: Downloading MMS

Messaging: MMS downloaded

Messaging: MMS sent

Messaging: New email message

Messaging: New MMS

Messaging: New text message

Messaging: Sending MMS

Phone: Incoming call

Phone: Missed call

Phone: Voice mail


Which models have / haven't got these or any more? How strange they should be so different, assuming they're all WM5 PPC's :)

These are the same as I have on my hermes (TyTN) - Except that I have added the event 'Messaging: Default' to be able to customize the sound for the text message sent notification that uses the 'default' Sound :D

Show and tell time chaps :D

Here's what's listed in the Vario II Events box:

ActiveSync: Begin sync

ActiveSync: End sync

Beam: Autoreceive

Connection disconnected

Connection established

Messaging: Downloading MMS

Messaging: MMS downloaded

Messaging: MMS sent

Messaging: New email message

Messaging: New MMS

Messaging: New text message

Messaging: Sending MMS

Phone: Incoming call

Phone: Missed call

Phone: Voice mail


Which models have / haven't got these or any more? How strange they should be so different, assuming they're all WM5 PPC's :)

Where is "Text Message Sent" in your list??

Guest pd.ryder
Posted (edited)

Hmm, good point Mr_Man. There's another option somewhere to disable the notifier pop-up, sure I've seen it...

Can't remember where right now...

Well, I've and a good look around and I suspect I was confusing this with the New Text Message option :D

Dippy fart - I have only had it a week :D ......

Looks like I'll be installing a cab.... :)

Ho-hum :D

Edited by pd.ryder

There must be a registry value that can be altered to disable the 'message sent' popup entirely.

I've seen this for other PPC's but the registry key that they point to does not exist on my M3100.

Anyone know where to look?

It's the 'Default' sound setting that controls the Message sent sound. The problem is that it's not available in the sound & notification settings.

I have created a small cab enabling the event 'Messaging: Default' and selecting the sound msgbox from start. You can then change this sound to whatever you like. Note that you must have an English version of WM5....

I have tried it on my Hermes with success.

Anybody tried this yet? Any comments?

Guest unicron
Anybody tried this yet? Any comments?

it works just fine, now if only i could change the clicks sound you get when you select an option or open a new menu :)

There must be a registry value that can be altered to disable the 'message sent' popup entirely.

I've seen this for other PPC's but the registry key that they point to does not exist on my M3100.

Anyone know where to look?

Using a registry you can add a new settings string that gets rid of the sent message notification

HKCM -> Software -> Microsoft -> Inbox

create a new string - Settings

Value name - SmsNoSentMsg

Value Data - 0 enable notification, 1 - disable notification

Hope that helps


Guest Marzbar
I will give it a try tomorrow.
So, has anybody tried it? If it's not working it is just to uninstall it as usual and everything is as before. As I mentioned before, I have used it on my Hermes without problem...

Working perfectly on my Vario II, thanks very much! The same notification was being used when a new emoze message arrived, even though there's a "new emoze message" notification which also gets called... very irritating!

So, has anybody tried it? If it's not working it is just to uninstall it as usual and everything is as before. As I mentioned before, I have used it on my Hermes without problem...

Just installed your cab file fm01, and it's just what I wanted. Thank you.

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