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activesync 4.5 cant delete progs

Guest stuffedtiger79

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Guest stuffedtiger79

Hello everyone...

I installed activesync 4.5 on my computer, and since then, I have been unable to uninstall any programs from my t-mo mda-vario.

when i use the add/remove option in activesync, it says that all progs are using up 0kb and when i select and try to remove a prog, the add/remove window simply closes without doing anything.

when i try to remove the program using the build-in program manager, it says that it is unable to uninstall the program.

what's going on here? can someone please help me?!

thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest stuffedtiger79

can someone please offer me some help and advice?!! i am getting very desperate. i am not able to delete or upgrade any programs on my mda vario and it is very frustrating! i dont want to do any more damage by trying to do something on my own.

thank you in advance!

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Guest Disco Stu

My first guess would have been that AS 4.5 wasn't recognising software that you had installed using the earlier version but the fact that the device's applet doesn't work either is worrying.

Have a look in \Windows \AppMgr on the phone. Is there a collection of .dll files for your installed software ?

Next look for .unload files in the \Windows directory itself. Again there should be one for each item you have installed.

If these have been deleted or corrupted you will have problems uninstalling.

In the absence of a better-informed response I would suggest reinstalling the software in the hope that this restores the uninstall functionality. This is a fairly common problem and this is the simplest solution.

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