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The e650 messenger mystery is solved - I found it!

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Guest leftofcentre

Like a lot of users of the new e650 i could not understand what happened to messenger.

It turns out its not some plot by orange, the truth is MS are working on the new version and it was not ready to ship.

The good news is you can get a beta of the new version!

I have tried it and its amazing, you can see screen shots here:


For some bizarre reason MS make you register before you can download it, i don't quite see the point of this as its free anyway. You need to register here:


Admin, can I upload the exe file?

If not email me if you want it.


Guest El Matarife

Can you post a more specific link?

I'm signed in on the connect.microsoft site but I can't see anything on there relating to Live Messenger for Mobile.

There's nothing on the available connections list at any rate :rolleyes:

Guest madds

Guys, this is no beta!

it's already included in rom on the s710.

If you google it you can find it! Just search for live messenger mobile smartphone :rolleyes:

It was discussed in here already.

Guest leftofcentre

You can get it from here:


Change the extension from .mp3 to .exe

Also note you need to remove any existing windows live software, and restart your smartphone after the install.

Enjoy :-)


Guest skazz

My Dutch E650 came with both a Windows Live and a Messenger program accessible from the start menu. The Windows Live app seems to be a front-end which allows access to Live Hotmail synced email or Messenger. Furthermore, when you login to messenger it autosyncs your Live Hotmail emails to a "Live email" folder in messages, so I assume it's all one app.

The only version info I've found is listed in the "about" menu in the Windows Live program. My productional version states:

Windows Live for Windows Mobile

Version 10.6.0026.1400

What version do you have if you download the beta from the Microsoft connect site?

Guest leftofcentre

Yip thats the version i have as well: Version 10.6.0026.1400

It seems strange that orange uk did not install it, but its definatly not there by defualt.


Guest Electronic Punk

And the WLM for WM5 can be installed on WM6 with no issues?

It works great on my WM5 here anyway, don't even think it actually has any beta tags.

Guest VulakAerr

I've been in the WLM beta for a while so I went ahead and installed the latest client on my E650. I can confirm it does work welll. Perhaps even better than it does on WM5. I believe it's the same client.

Not entirely sure how legal some of the links are on this page but if you can manage to get it through the Microsoft Connect website then I don't think there's anything wrong with that, despite how much it may displease Orange.

Guest Samsonite

whats the chances of Orange refunding my £10.99 i have spent paying for the current MSN package!! or Microsoft even, seeing that i have paid for a product they have available for free elsewhere on their own site!!!

Guest Electronic Punk

May be the same package once its out of beta?

As for it being on Connect - its there, but in the same way Vista was - by invitation only.

Been pending for the beta for 3 months now :rolleyes:

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