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Guest Kona Russ

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Guest fraser

Yup, I've done this, to a small degree. "Meeting" is a normal ring at the lowest volume level, with a vibrate first setting. Ditto the notification sound. For office use basically, see my other post in this section.

What I'd really like would to be able to create new profiles. Is this possible? I know it's not via the current applications, but it may be possible to programatically do it.

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Guest midnight

well, as far as i can tell, when it switches profiles it does change the registry to affect the 'script' part of the ringtone, but not the actual ringtone.... breaking it down, script includes 'a' that tells it that its a wav/midi, 'vX' (Vibrate, where X is the length of the vibrate) 'p' (tells it to play th sound i think, not 100% about this, but removing the p from keypress does indeed stop it from playing), 'wX' (wait X seconds), and 'r' (for repeat)

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Guest fraser

Oops sorry, my mistake, it's the same ring tone, but set to the lowest volume. Wasn't thinking straight, sorry if I gave anyone false hope!

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Guest VaughanWoodall

Hello all,

I don't have a profiles which ring different tones but....

for all the people in your address book, you can allocate different tones...so technically you can allocate one tone for mates and another for friends etc

best advice I can give I'm afraid

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Guest jim80b

umm i have a problem with the profile thing

when i have tweaked the reg yo loop ringtones and change between profiles (i use auto so it changes from norm to meeting and i use the headphones alot) it rewrites the reg and stops looping.

any fixes???

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Guest fraser

Anyone feel like copying all the binaries to the PC and HEX searching for the default script string? If you could locate it and hack it, whenever it applied a ringtone, you could make it looping by default. :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest jim80b

ok been messing around again with these and have got a result....

copy the *.prof.xml files from IPSMApplication DataProfiles onto your pc, (pref in a seperate dir)

open trusty dosprompt,

attrib -s -h *.* the directory,

edit to your hearts desire....(eg fix that loopling ringtone, and set a differnt ringtone to a profile)

attrib +s +h *.* the dir (VERY IMPORTANT OR PROFILES DONT WORK)

copy back to IPSMApplication DataProfiles

ive done it and it works.


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Guest midnight

yeh, but first, go into profiles, and edit them all so they write themselves into the IPSMApplication DataProfiles dir

oh, and another thing, you can actually do this with smartexplorer (to change the file attributes) and notbad (for editing the text), so you dont necessarily need to use a pc

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Guest jim80b

umm you try that midnight... it dosnt work. period.

smartexplorer doesnt give you access to the system attrib

and with sys set on orneta notepad doesnt let you open the files, neither does the old free notebad but as i havent got the new one i cant say if that one works

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jim80b

if you copy them back they will suvive a reboot, just make sure you attrib +s +h or the spv wont pick them up again

they can by 'lost' if you edit the profiles on the phone as that overwrites your changes

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Guest midnight

errr, you dont need the +h, in fact, better without it, cos you can see the files you are trying to copy back across, but yes, +s is essential :)

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