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Paul's must have FREE Kaiser applications!

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Guest Paul (MVP)

Due to the popularity of my similar Hermes thread, I thought i'd rustle up a list of my favourite free software installed on my Kaiser. All IMHO, YMMV etc. ;)



Here they are, in no particular order...

Paul's Tweak Pack - http://www.modaco.com/Tweak-Pack-t257904.html

Yahoo! GO, nice mapping that works with the GPS, weather, news, RSS (including MoDaCo feed!) and more - http://www.modaco.com/downloads-file2396.html or http://GO.MoDaCo.com from your device!

Change your IE and Windows Live homescreen search from Live Search to Google - http://www.modaco.com/TotW-Live-Search-Google-t255032.html

Batti - great 'top of screen' battery indicator - http://pda.jasnapaka.com/batti/

Remove software installation warning - RemoveSecurity.CAB

TenGo (Phone Pad alternative) - http://free.tengo.net (also availble in commercial version, free to MoDaCo Plus members!)

SIPChange from Sleuth255 @ XDA-Developers - Let's you change the default input method, install then run 'SIPChange Setup' - SIPChange.CAB

RAR for Pocket PC allows you to create and extract RAR and ZIP files - http://www.rarsoft.com/download.htm

pRSSreader - excellent RSS reader - http://pda.jasnapaka.com/prssr/

PHM Power Toys - deal useful if just for the soft reset command and traylaunch - http://www.phm.lu/products/PocketPC/PowerToys/

vxUtil - a great collection of utils for internet geeks (DNS, PING, WHOIS etc) - http://www.cam.com/vxutil_pers.html

Skype - i'm sure u know what this is... - http://www.skype.com/download/skype/mobile/

NoData - disable your GPRS connection while you are on holiday, and save those bills! - http://www.modaco.com/New-FREE-Utility-t246171.html

Windows Live Search - local search and mapping, with GPS functionality - http://wls.live.com

Google Maps - the Google version of the above - http://www.google.com/gmm/

Inbox Extender - Add 'Delete All' and 'Mark All as Read' to your inbox - InboxExtender.CAB

FDCSoft Task Manager - Very fully functioned task manager, service explorer - FDCSoft.TaskManager.2.70.CAB

T9 Editor - Edit, restore and backup the T9 directionary on your device - T9Editor.CAB

Devicescape - Don't type in those WiFi encryption keys? Sync them with devicescape! - http://www.devicescape.com

Pocket SharpMT - Do you blog? If so, make the most of the lovely Kaiser keyboard - http://www.randyrants.com/2006/08/sharp_mt_pocket.html

Palringo - chat to use in the group 'MoDaCo', PushToTalk, picture sending an IM bridging - http://www.palringo.com

Fring - VOIP and multiIM for your device, great if you have a SIP account somewhere - http://www.fring.com

Delivery Notification name fix - http://handheld.softpedia.com/get/Internet...Fix-22305.shtml

Feel free to suggest additions! ;)

Any SMS scheduler that wroks on Kaiser? Free or commercial.

I heard about RJV SMS Scheduler but that's good?

Guest jjimenezjj
Posted (edited)

Wow, looks juicy!! ;)

Quick question though, how do install .cab(s)? With my kaiser (once I get it), do I just come to this forum and click on the files? Im guessing I will be manually placing these files to important folders on my device?

Thanks in advance!

John J:)

Edited by jjimenezjj
Guest kathryncheng

hello Paul,

How about the GPS picture tagging software or tweak from the camera taken from TYTN 2 please please.....



Guest jjimenezjj
Copy them on to the device and run them ;)


Beautiful :D ... thanks Paul.

John J :wub:

Guest Webreaper

Smartskey? (or is it incompatible/unnecessary for WM6?).

For what purpose?

Paul, any other apps for T9? Because what you suggested doesn't work on tytn II.

Guest jjimenezjj

Paul, the "music" tab that you have of your Kaiser is really neat. Is there a way to put a "news" tab for a RSS Reader?

Weather and news right on the homepage would make life eaiser! All I would need then is for the Kaiser to brew me fresh cup of coffee too... :wub:

John J ;)

Guest Webreaper
For what purpose?

Smartskey? For the purpose of one-handed usage. I couldn't live with my XDA Mini without smartskey - being able to close apps, access the start menu and scroll within apps using one hand is great. But I've not played with WM6 so don't know whether it's relevant or if MS have fixed it so you can actually use the device one-handed.

Posted (edited)

Is there any good tool to enable "switching between applications" that can be mapped to a hardware button?

Somekind like the "ALT-TAB" function in Windows desktop.

Spb Pocket Plus has it. It is really nice, when you switch app, it display the icon (so, it is not like a listbox gui).

But yeah, I dont want to install Pocket Plus ;)

Edited by kapot

i can't find the remote desktop client in the kaiser and the help is mentioned it but in programs i cannot find it. Any idea because it's important for me.

Guest 3waygeek
i can't find the remote desktop client in the kaiser and the help is mentioned it but in programs i cannot find it. Any idea because it's important for me.

See the attached cab -- run it on you Kaiser.


See the attached cab -- run it on you Kaiser.

thanks! Worx and Rox ;)

Guest gatogringo

Great list, thanks.

Can someone add a link to the cab file of skype (which version is it, does it work properly)? Since the Tytn II is not listed as part of the HTC devices, I tend to turn in circles trying to locate the correct file.

Guest AndyWainhouse
Is there any good tool to enable "switching between applications" that can be mapped to a hardware button?

Somekind like the "ALT-TAB" function in Windows desktop.

Spb Pocket Plus has it. It is really nice, when you switch app, it display the icon (so, it is not like a listbox gui).

But yeah, I dont want to install Pocket Plus ;)

Vito ButtonMapper is a good extension of the standard tool and includes a task switcher similar to that in PocketPlus.

Great list, thanks.

Can someone add a link to the cab file of skype (which version is it, does it work properly)? Since the Tytn II is not listed as part of the HTC devices, I tend to turn in circles trying to locate the correct file.

This one should work: Skype

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