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blocking data connection

Guest Shivadxb

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Guest Shivadxb

Help, my data connection is costing me a fortune.

My network is faffing me around over a data package and at the moment i'm pay as you go on data and its crippling me.£5.00 yesterday alone for about 6 emails!

Is there any way to block all data traffic until i can sort this out. I have set my email to connect only manually which helps but only marginally. I want to either just block all data connections for a few days or just edge. The problem seems to be EDGE which connects randomly and very expensively. Can I block the phone in some way so that it only uses gprs.


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cany u just go to comm manager, and click disconnect all data connections? then you cant activate any data connections until you enable it again?

Only way is putting on Flight mode, but that would kill you phone connection aswell. There is a mod/cab out wich disables your gprs/#G connection

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