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Red Line in all photos

Guest shaun

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Hi Guys

I am really impressed with my Vario III but I think i have a problem with the main camera. Over the last few days i have noticed a red vertical line in the view finder of the main camera.

It only appears on the main camera, its not screen related. It is there in both photos and video's. I have take the back cover off and clean the lense but it has not made any difference.

Does it sound like the camera is faulty? I really don't want to send it back as i have it setup just as i want it.

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Guest Nick Le Lievre
Hi Guys

I am really impressed with my Vario III but I think i have a problem with the main camera. Over the last few days i have noticed a red vertical line in the view finder of the main camera.

It only appears on the main camera, its not screen related. It is there in both photos and video's. I have take the back cover off and clean the lense but it has not made any difference.

Does it sound like the camera is faulty? I really don't want to send it back as i have it setup just as i want it.

Sounds like its faulty... I have never seen a red vertical line in my camera or photos.

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Guest burrzoo
Sounds like its faulty... I have never seen a red vertical line in my camera or photos.

Me neither. No red lines. Let it go back now while you still can return it.

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I have exactly the same problem. Mine is a MDA Vario III from t-mobile in the uk.

CE OS 5.2.1620 (Build 18125.0.4.2)


Its quite annoying, am wondering if I shuold return it. Am going to call t-mobile tomorrow and see if I can return it - or at least see if they know of the issue. Perhaps a ROM update will fix it.


Hi Guys

I am really impressed with my Vario III but I think i have a problem with the main camera. Over the last few days i have noticed a red vertical line in the view finder of the main camera.

It only appears on the main camera, its not screen related. It is there in both photos and video's. I have take the back cover off and clean the lense but it has not made any difference.

Does it sound like the camera is faulty? I really don't want to send it back as i have it setup just as i want it.

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T-Mobile have agreed to replace the phone. It was delivered last wednesday but I missed the delivery by 5 mins. Any way it will be delivered tomorrow (Monday) lets hope its better.

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I opened up mine to the battery. The date on it is:


Since it's not something everyone's getting, more likely to be hardware than ROM related!


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I have had the phone replaced from t-mobile. Lucky I called within the first 28 days as it was a painless procedure.

The new phone has the same manufacture date as below, and the same ROM etc.

The issue with the line in the camera on this phone is not present.

I opened up mine to the battery. The date on it is:


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ScrewlooseAZ

I have had my HTC TyTN II for about 20 days now and all of the sudden while I was on vacation with it taking a photo this red line thing started. Over the short life time of my kaiser I took about 30-40 photos before this thing showed up. It was never dropped or anything that could have really caused a malfunction, so my guess is that others units will produce similar problems after more use.

Anyways I'm going to try and return it directly to HTC for exchange or repair because the company I bought it from wants to charge me $50. to do exactly the same thing for me. ;)

Hopefully the next one works right.

Edited by ScrewlooseAZ
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ScrewlooseAZ

Well they actually did fix my Kaiser instead of sending a replacement. So far the camera is working fine.

HTC was very good about fixing my phone and got it back to me quickly. If you have any problems I suggest giving them a call and they will help you sort it out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks like I had the same problem on my Vario 3 :( , only now with TWO lines - one horizontal and one vertical (see attachment).

CE OS 5.2.1620 (Build 18125.0.4.2)


(Which I note is exactly the same as Farkah above ...)

Called T-Mo (UK) earlier this evening and have a replacement on the way (tomorrow am) - no probs. Unit is less than 6 weeks old and has been v.well looked after - no traumas, drops or bangs and the lens is clearly unmarked <_< .

Hopefully the new unit will be fine ... (but for how long?)



Edited by Bob x9
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