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Calendar improvements???

Guest sc0user_75

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Guest sc0user_75

Guys - especially those who are geniuses with the Cab files and Tweaks - the calendar on the VIII is pretty crud. So is it possible to improve it in anyway???

You don't get a quick over view by floating to a date and leaving the "cursor" over the date. You have to click on the date to see what is on it.

Then once you're in, the only way to go back to the previous screen (Month view in tmy case) is to either click the soft key several times, or come out of calendar and then go back in.

Those marking to show an entry are quite rubbish too.

So, to get to my point / polite request - does anyone know if it's possible to create a tweak or Cab file to improve the calendar?

I doubt very much if future updates will help as I had the same problem with my old SPV C600 calendar - and if they haven't improved at all on that calendar I doubt very much they'll improve on this calendar in the firmware updates.


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Guest Phil Lee

I don't think you're going to have any joy in customising the Calendar app. The only solution will be to replace it with a third party app. I use Pocket Informant 2007 on my VIII.

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Guest Phil Lee
Ta for the reply Phil. Will I be able to sync calendar entries using this software?

PI2007 (and most other calendar replacements work using the same calendar database as the built in calendar app. This means you can sync with no problem.

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Guest sc0user_75

Even on Mac using Missing Sync? If so, I'll check out this app and most prob make yet another purchase (darned, it's expensive running one of these gadgets!!! )

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