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Vario3 and active sync driving me nuts.

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Guest TomaHawk

i dont knoe why i always ahve so many problems with active sync.

I have had my vario3 for liek a week and its been sweet. installed all my cabs syced all my PIM stuff. on my mac.

but i want to instal sprite backup that comes with it. and tomtom both .exes. so i have to go to the dreaded PC

but i canont get active synce to recognise my phone always goes found new hardware then something like sorry nodrivers avalbul cant install.

i ahve tried reinstalling active sync 3 times including once form microsoft site to make sure i ahve had the latest.

any other things i can try?

Guest TomaHawk

very bizzarly managed to resolve it by using either a usb prot with more power

or an obsucre setting im: start>settings>connections>USB to PC> unchecl box.

Guest Neil5459
very bizzarly managed to resolve it by using either a usb prot with more power

That's quite possible. A/S doesn't like low powered USB ports or hubs; Even some 'Internal' USB connections are actually hubs.

or an obsucre setting im: start>settings>connections>USB to PC> unchecl box.

That is often the best course of action, especially with Vista. It switches from a 'Network' connection type, to a simple 'USB' connection type, with the sacrifice of some speed, but the benefit of stability ;)

It switches from a 'Network' connection type, to a simple 'USB' connection type, with the sacrifice of some speed, but the benefit of stability ;)

Thanks, I wondered what that option did!

Guest Swampie
That's quite possible. A/S doesn't like low powered USB ports or hubs; Even some 'Internal' USB connections are actually hubs.

That is often the best course of action, especially with Vista. It switches from a 'Network' connection type, to a simple 'USB' connection type, with the sacrifice of some speed, but the benefit of stability ;)

You also lose some networking features whilst connected.

I develop PDA software at work, and some of the PDAs we have will only sync with Vista when using basic USB connection (actually a USB serial/PPP based link), whereas the more advanced RNDIS is a true network adaptor, giving full ethernet connectivity.

In my experience, when using basic USB serial connection, I cannot access the PDA from the PC using ethernet (for debugging of network services). When connected with full USB/RNDIS support, I can access network services on the PDA from the PC itself.

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