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Data connection fires itself up...

Guest sc0user_75

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Guest sc0user_75

I woke up this morning to find that my 3g data connection was on - and it had been running for over 5 hours. Strange as I'd been asleep when the connection started itself up.

And then again, I just looked at my phone and it had fired itself back up again.

As Im not getting charged for this I'm not too concerned - but is there a reason for this happening?

I've looked through all the connection settings and all seems to be OK and normal.

ANy ideas?

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Guest jimbouk

Most likely cause is activesync... I have always found that AS wants to keep a data connection alive after use (obviously thats normal when you have direct push on)

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Guest sc0user_75

Ricky, Emails I have set up for auto retrieval every 4 hours. But I'm guessing that once they've been picked up/retrieved the data connection would drop itself???

Jim, no apps installed yet unfortunately. just what came on the phone. No Active Sync either. Although, I do have the Missing Sync software on the phone!

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Guest rickyburke

Yeah, as Jimbo says, the data connection stays active, but no data is transferred, this used to annoy/worry me on Orange as their data packages have the potential to turn in 4 figure bills, but now on WebnWalk Max, it doesnt bother me at all.

battery life isnt adversely affected either.

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Guest Swampie
Although my device keeps flashing over to "H" when I have nothing active at all... but as I am on OWU I dont mind either...

As far as I understand, it switches to the H (with 2 arrows) only when it's downloading at HSDPA. If HSDPA is available, but no downloads are taking place (ie. when it's finished the download), then it sits at 3G with 2 arrows.

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