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Vario 3 Loudspeaker

Guest fursie

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Does anyone else find that the Vario 3 loadspeaker quality is quite poor and tinny sounding. Particulary when used in speaker mode during a call. I think the speaker on my old xda mini-s (htc wizzard/vario 1) was better as it had 2 speaks on the sides.

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Does anyone else find that the Vario 3 loadspeaker quality is quite poor and tinny sounding. Particulary when used in speaker mode during a call. I think the speaker on my old xda mini-s (htc wizzard/vario 1) was better as it had 2 speaks on the sides.

Yes Fursie and there is no solution to that.

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Guest Swampie

Well, everyone complained about the Vario I/II stylus being too small etc. So they introduced a proper, full size stylus in the Vario III - good. Unfortunately, this takes up a significant amount of the external side, reducing space for other things.

Add into that GPS + external antenna connector, hinge + spring loaded slider... The fact they had to move the SIM slot to under the screen indicates the limits they had to fitting things in. Being able to remove the SIM whilst the device is powered is quite risky - I don't know of any other devices where you could do that. It's always been a requirement to physically remove the battery to get to the SIM connector.

I like the idea of having 2 speakers, but prefer all the added benefits they've squeezed into the Kaiser. Although, I've not used the speakerphone on the Kaiser yet, so don't actually know how bad it is. ;)

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Vario III is by far the worst loud speaker quality I have had on any device. HTC are aware of the problem and did say a simple upgrade would not resolve the issue. Most people use Bluetooth headsets so most of us will have to live with it. Bit of a shame.

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I also moved from the Wizard to the Kaiser, bit dissapointed with the speaker quality but still not enough to take the shine off my new toy ;) although the stereo speakers on the Wizard were great!

@Swampie if you take out the SIM with the device turned on it shuts itself off

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Guest Mr.Clark

I haven't tried a call through it, but I've listened to music through the speaker, and it's not that bad...

Comparable to the Universal, and easier to mute (put it speaker-down on a book ;) - muffled but still audible)

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I don't know of any other devices where you could do that. It's always been a requirement to physically remove the battery to get to the SIM connector.

That's one plus of the iPhone... you can hot swap sim cards ;)

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Guest jamesd256

Suprised to hear all the complaints. I have found the speaker to be very good. It has some high end that is not distorted too much. I have had a Magician and a Tytn, and the Kaiser's to my ears is easily the best.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest pdaphonemaster

Playing music on the loudspeaker is actually OK in the sound quality department with verly little distortion even at high volumes. For some inexplicable reason, it lets down badly when in the speakerphone mode. It crakles even at low volume and this is quite annoying to the point the speakerphone function is unusable.

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I have to admit, the Kaiser speaker is MUCH poorer than the ones (stereo) on my N95- But I never listen to music on the external, and only ever have it on in the car in the rare) event I don't have my Btooth headset - it is poor though, very tinny and buzzy.


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Guest joemailey

treo 650 let you remove and insert a sim when ever you wanted without switching of. you just had to go enable the fone calls feature was great asset if u had to sims.

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