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TyTN II Battery Manufacturer

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Guest Justinrog


Does anyone know if there is any difference to the batteries you receive with your TyTN II? With my first one, I had a Samsung and this time I have a Dynapack. Both seem to be the same capacity. Although, I ask because my new TyTN has completely died. The Dynapack battery does not seem to have such a nice fit like the Samsung did. Like it doesn't insert all the way, it just wants to come back out. I have tried everything to bring it back to life, however, I have had no joy.

Does anyone know if it is just pot luck which battery you get, or has one battery superceeded the other? I am awaiting my replacement from Orange today so will see what I get. The samsung one was sent straight from upgrades (they were out of stock last week and let me know when new stock arrived), while the Dynapack one I got via a replacement. Could the replacement delivery company have an older batch?



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