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TouchFlo Cube on the Kaiser

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Guest Subliminal Aura

Any of you ladies got it working ?

I'm having some trouble with it :(

Need to get this working before 6:02pm today and the dreaded iPoo launch ;)

Guest Subliminal Aura

Well got it working by flashing to Duttys Rom (which I must say is awesome) and installing from there...

Overall its more of a hack rather than being natively fluid - I must say that I might even end up shelling out for touch commander as I was really impressed with it.

Guest crystal_clear
Well got it working by flashing to Duttys Rom (which I must say is awesome) and installing from there...

Overall its more of a hack rather than being natively fluid - I must say that I might even end up shelling out for touch commander as I was really impressed with it.

have you got a link for this rom (as above mentioned) as it seems to be getting some very positive feedback.


The cube on the Kaiser..............IT WORKS!

The Guys finally seem to have cracked it, Imagine me jumping up and down like a kid. and this is on my stock T-Mo ROM!

There have been a few Alpha cabs and none of them have worked properly, the latest release worked perfectly, first time, well for me anyway ;)


Guest Swampie

Maybe I had greater expectations of the TouchFlo Cube, but looking at the video posted in the thread above, it's not TouchFlo but ButtonFlo...

Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH2gOTdlt0w

Press a button to rotate the cube, with lags and delays. Sorry, but I'm not impressed with the Cube stuff - is that how it's meant to work, or is it just a problem with it on the Kaiser?


The vids out of date, the latest version works exactly as it does on the Touch (I know I've got one ;) )

Guest hotphil

I've just given it a go on my Vodafone-ROM'd Kaiser and it works just fine. But I don't think I like it, so it's coming off.

Guest weeerob
I've just given it a go on my Vodafone-ROM'd Kaiser and it works just fine. But I don't think I like it, so it's coming off.

I think I'm being a moron, how do you run it? I've rebooted but not sure how to get it going.


Guest hotphil

That was one of the things I didn't like. It seemed to start up if i did a steady vertical finger movement bottom to top on the screen. But not all the time.


Although in fairness it's the same with the 'real' cube on the Touch

For those that don't know a finger swipe from the bottom bar to the top activates the cube

left-right or right-left swipes rotate

top to bottom bar swipe closes the cube

The first time it loads after a reset it's a little slow, after that it's fine, again the same as the cube on the Touch

Guest hotphil

Ah. Now I understand it a bit better I'm getting to like it ;)

Doesn't seem to like being installed on the Storage Card though, but I am now warming to it as I now know how to enter/exit it - thanks!!!

Guest weeerob

Well I've played about with it a bit. Takes several tries to get it up and then a few goes to get any of it working. Think with more practice I'll be able to get the exact kinds of swipes it needs. Is it like that on the HTC Touch as well? I'm disappointed I have to say.

Guest hotphil

I think there's a definite knack to it. and it doesn't seem to like closing for me unless at least one sideways rotation has been made in the current session if that makes sense.

Guest rebecker
I must say that I might even end up shelling out for touch commander as I was really impressed with it.

I'm one of those people who would rather stay away from ROM changes. I know this is not a Touch Commander topic, but I looked at it because of your comment. I may be an idiot ;) but I'm having a problem using it successfully. I understand the basic left/right slide function and the down slide function that returns you to the current application or Today screen, but I don't understand how to bring Touch Commander back, except to restart it. I also would like it to start on bootup. Is there a help file or instruction file somewhere? Is there a Touch Commander forum somewhere?





Don't know much about Touch Commander, tried it for five mins and uninstalled it, it's a pretty poor imitation

You don't need to upgrade your ROM to install this, It works on my standard T-Mobile ROM with the standard HTC Home and Audio Manager, the only thing extra I installed from the xda thread was the audio manager today plugin

I will add that I did it on a freshly hard-reset device though, mainly because I had a few install / uninstalls of the unsuccesful Alpha cabs I wanted to purge from the sytem


I haven't seen the issue where you need to rotate it once before it closes, like you say there is a knack to it, the end of a fingernail works better than the pad of a thumb

glad you're warming to it, I'm currently setting mine up so the launcher face has all 'New...' shortcuts on it (SMS, Tasks, Calendar etc) seems like it'll be much more useful to me that way

Oh and it definitelty need to be installed to main memory


As you correctly state it takes practice, a fairly quick movement with a fingernail works for me every time. It is easier to use on the Touch due to the nature of the screen, it isn't recessed like most PPCs so you can start your swipes from 'outside' the screen. Likewise if you make your swipes from the very extremes of the Kaiser screen it works as well as it does on the Touch

Guest Subliminal Aura

Guys, touch commander is FLUID the cube alpha is not.

Dutty is working on a touch ROM for the kaiser which should not be confused with the hacked up cab alpha versions.

Guest rebecker

Don't know much about Touch Commander, tried it for five mins and uninstalled it, it's a pretty poor imitation

You don't need to upgrade your ROM to install this, It works on my standard T-Mobile ROM with the standard HTC Home and Audio Manager, the only thing extra I installed from the xda thread was the audio manager today plugin

I will add that I did it on a freshly hard-reset device though, mainly because I had a few install / uninstalls of the unsuccesful Alpha cabs I wanted to purge from the sytem

Thanks for your reply.

Again, not being the brightet bulb ;) , I looked at the link listed above and it looked pretty intimidating. There's lots of 'stuff' and it talks about 'flashing' the ROM. That sounds dangerous to me. Am I missing something?


Guest Subliminal Aura
There's lots of 'stuff' and it talks about 'flashing' the ROM. That sounds dangerous to me. Am I missing something?


My brand new wireless acess point is only 3hours old and tbh it comes with a pretty good interface but I'm itching to flash it with dd-wrt.Will it make the device faster or better.. MAYBE. Will it make a nerd happy ... MOST DEFINITELY.It all comes down to who's software you trust. A well known company who has left all the frills out but have thoroughly tested your product or a bright spotty teenager who codes for kicks.Where's the risk ;)


I like that analysis :(

rebecker the threads pretty old now and the first posts in the thread are well out of date by now

The only cabs I installed, on my stock T-Mo ROM, were: duttythroy dutty music plug in.cab and HTCCube.cab, both from the first post. No dodgy flashing required, and it works perfectly ;)

Guest Subliminal Aura
The cube on the Kaiser..............IT WORKS!

The Guys finally seem to have cracked it, Imagine me jumping up and down like a kid. and this is on my stock T-Mo ROM!

There have been a few Alpha cabs and none of them have worked properly, the latest release worked perfectly, first time, well for me anyway ;)


I should use a laptop more often rather than tiny poxy kaiser screen - I missed your post altogether

Just spotted your alpha 3 link and watched the youtube vid and must that that looks great.

I'll uninstall alpha 2 and try alpha 3 in the morning.

Guest rebecker
The only cabs I installed, on my stock T-Mo ROM, were: duttythroy dutty music plug in.cab and HTCCube.cab, both from the first post. No dodgy flashing required, and it works perfectly ;)

OK, now you have me interested. Where did you find the 2 cabs you mentioned? Are they part of a larger download? And please tell me what the music plugin does.

-The ever cautious...Bob :( -

Guest hotphil
Posted (edited)

Both cabs are available from the link Mandt posted....

The cube on the Kaiser..............IT WORKS!

The Guys finally seem to have cracked it, Imagine me jumping up and down like a kid. and this is on my stock T-Mo ROM!

There have been a few Alpha cabs and none of them have worked properly, the latest release worked perfectly, first time, well for me anyway ;)


Edited by hotphil
Guest fdrzrich

I have to agree that I tried some of the other beta/alpha releases and the Touch Commander app, but this is the only one so far that just works! No crashing, no hanging, simply swipe up to activate, spin left or right then swipe down to go back to the Today screen. Excellent work!

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