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Help. Trying to get a Vario III UK

Guest flibb

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Any tips for getting a t-mobile Vario III on Flext 25 W&W (18 month) for a good price? Have tried several different people in my local store but they can get the initial outlay under £150.. Just about to try phoning another store, after that I will have to try looking for an online retailer, anybody got a good price online?? Really want to get another HTC to replace my old universal, have tried samsungs and SE but find them bloody annoying ;)

Cheers for any help


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Well mobileshop.co.uk sell the Vario III on that tariff for £79.99.

I went into my local store and asked if they could price match, the first guy said they probably could but then the manager overheard and said they can't pricematch online stores. I said "Shame, my cash is burning a hole in my pocket, guess I'll get it online then, thanks.". As I was walking away the manager said he could do it for £100 if I bought insurance for £8 per month. I told him I'd rather get it online, then he explained how I could cancel the insurance before the first payment came out and I'd never actually have to pay the insurance at all. I still didn't want to as I know I wouldn't cancel it - I'm disorganised. Eventually he agreed that he'd do it for £100 without the insurance, which was nice, but I was still hungry for more. So I asked if the price included a headset, he said there was one in the box, I said "Ah, I really wanted a bluetooth one, I think I'll leave it". He promptly threw in a SE bluetooth headset.

Well it was a fun trip to T-Mobile but after all that I decided I didn't want the contract just yet (complications with transferring a number I bought off ebay, T-Mo said it was suspended from the last owner but it was an 0750 number which I think is a new batch so I don't know how it had a previous owner, meh. Plus I don't want the Vario III anyway, just the W&W for when I get a Touch Dual)

Sorry for the unnecessarily long post, hope you get somewhere with them! ;)

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Well mobileshop.co.uk sell the Vario III on that tariff for £79.99.

I went into my local store and asked if they could price match, the first guy said they probably could but then the manager overheard and said they can't pricematch online stores. I said "Shame, my cash is burning a hole in my pocket, guess I'll get it online then, thanks.". As I was walking away the manager said he could do it for £100 if I bought insurance for £8 per month. I told him I'd rather get it online, then he explained how I could cancel the insurance before the first payment came out and I'd never actually have to pay the insurance at all. I still didn't want to as I know I wouldn't cancel it - I'm disorganised. Eventually he agreed that he'd do it for £100 without the insurance, which was nice, but I was still hungry for more. So I asked if the price included a headset, he said there was one in the box, I said "Ah, I really wanted a bluetooth one, I think I'll leave it". He promptly threw in a SE bluetooth headset.

Well it was a fun trip to T-Mobile but after all that I decided I didn't want the contract just yet (complications with transferring a number I bought off ebay, T-Mo said it was suspended from the last owner but it was an 0750 number which I think is a new batch so I don't know how it had a previous owner, meh. Plus I don't want the Vario III anyway, just the W&W for when I get a Touch Dual)

Sorry for the unnecessarily long post, hope you get somewhere with them! ;)


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Cheers for the help, have just dropped them an email asking if they will do the £5 month contract discount that t-mobile offer. If they do I should be sorted. Just phoned the Maidstone t-mobile branch and all they would offer is the £170 for the phone.

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Just looked at mobileshop and you get free insurance with that offer, so might still go with it. Just wish I had some luck with the local shop ;) Other option is to take out the contract and hope it discounts on the till, I believe there is a cancellation period?


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