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slide to unlock idiots guide for a newbie

Guest snowgum

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Guest snowgum

Anyone have experience of Slide to Unlock? Is it worth installing? Also, I looked on the xda site (mentioned in a thread on this forum) where the download is available and couldn't work out which files to install, there appeared to be two and then it talks about other things you need to do.

Thanks in advance


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Guest davidaf

This is a quality app. Latest version is called S2U2 and can be found in the xda forums. Now comes with a config tool to save registry hacks. Thoroughly recommend it.

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Guest snowgum

Could you possibly tell me exactly how and what to install? There appear to be at least two cabs on the xda forum, plus two additional ones. I wasn't quite sure exactly which ones I should install. The instructions on the xda site also left me slightly bewildered. Many thanks.


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follow the instructions in this thread, install the latest version 0.86 and turn the phone off and back on and voilla. The settings file will be found under program files S2U2.


Its a very good looking app when on the kaiser, especially after you change the wallpaper that the program uses (instructions in the read me after download)

All you need to do then if you wish is install the HTCCube2 from the same site and the stylus can take a holiday...

Edited by SteveI
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Guest snowgum

Thank you Steve. I can't get your link to work though. Is it just one file that I download?

I've tried the cube, but I can't quite see what I'm gaining over the 6 button htc home (although its quite groovy. Also, I haven't found it entirely reliable in that sometimes it doesnt open on bottom to top swipes,but will then open on a side to side swipe! Not sure that its meant to do this. I installed the htccube2 file.


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Guest snowgum

Ok. Slowly slowly. I've downloaded the RAR file from xda. i've also downloaded the RAR software. I installed S2U, then extracted all of the little zips (eg clock) into the S2U directory. I've also downladed the configurator. Seems to be working very well. However, how do I change the wallpaper, and how do I change the clock, if such a thing is possible. I think reading the bits and pieces I've found that I should be able to. I feel like a 47 year old dinasaur struggling with this tiny programme!


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Ok. Slowly slowly. I've downloaded the RAR file from xda. i've also downloaded the RAR software. I installed S2U, then extracted all of the little zips (eg clock) into the S2U directory. I've also downladed the configurator. Seems to be working very well. However, how do I change the wallpaper, and how do I change the clock, if such a thing is possible. I think reading the bits and pieces I've found that I should be able to. I feel like a 47 year old dinasaur struggling with this tiny programme!


In order to change the wallpaper that it uses:

Create a jpg file with resolution the same as your device (KAISER is 240 x 320); rename it to "wallpaper.jpg"; copy it to the gfx folder (default is \program files\s2u2\gfx\); restart iLock2 (or just turn the phone off and on). And the file "wallpaperL.jpg" is for the Landscape mode.

User activsync to browse to the folder.

Taken from the Read me file.

Edited by SteveI
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Guest Transform
Was that with the newer version S2U2?

The original Slide 2 unlock had this problem but the new version for me has been faultless

i installed it yesterday and it does have a problem if you get a text message etc with the slide screen on. the notification balloon pops up over the slide screen

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Ah you see for me that's ideal, you get to reply or dismiss your text without faffing around unlocking it, once you're done it's locked again :(

.........1000 posts and I'm all starred up!!!.............

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Guest Transform

congrats on the 1000 posts. the one thing i hate on my vario 3 is that when i get a text, there is no button to press to open it up fully, it just shows it in a notification box. then, if i want to dismiss it, i have to do right softkey and dismiss. nightmare!

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congrats on the 1000 posts.

Thank you

if i want to dismiss it, i have to do right softkey and dismiss. nightmare!

I sometimes forget how clunky PPCs are, It's amazing what you get used to - I'd still never go back though :(

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Guest snowgum

dear allI've encountered a problem. I love S2U2, but when its switched on my Tytn II does not pick up push email from sleep mode. anyone else encountered this problem and is there a workaround?matthew

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I have no idea as I don't use push, but I would advise reading the S2U2 thread at xda-devs as no doubt someone else will have encountered this problem, and if there's a fix that's where you'll find it

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Guest creamhackered

I installed this, didn't like it and un-installed this and it screwed up my device. Last night whenever anyone called me no tone would be played and the phone just constantly vibrated on one solid vibrate. My txts all came through together in one lump as well - very strange! Hard reset and now everything is fine

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ManImCool

I'm not sure where this post belongs, in the Slide To Unlock thread or the HTC Cube thread, but I am having a problem with the 2 working together. Whenever my phone is locked by Slide2Unlock, and I haven't unlocked it yet by sliding at the bottom from left to right, I can still activate the cube. Even with the phone "locked", I can activate the cube by swiping my finger from bottom to top, or even a left to right/right to left swipe. When I close it by sliding from top to bottom, it returns back to the locked sliding screen. How do I fix this?

Is this something that I can fix in the settings, or am I running an old buggy version of either the Cube or Slide2Unlock, or both? Please help me, I do not want the Cube to be able to be activated if the phone is supposed to be locked!

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