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Best Free Convertor Software?

Guest sc0user_75

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Guest sc0user_75

Pretty much as the subject says - I need a convertor for my VIII which can convert weight and distances. Can anyone recommend a good free application please?

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Guest hotphil

Is Google of any use http://www.googleguide.com/calculator.html ? Or do you specifically need an app to do it?

Edit: Although having just tried the usual conversion search criteria in Google on the Kaiser it doesn't bring back the answer :( so ignore that suggestion

Edit2: but it does work if you view Google in Classic mode.

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Guest sc0user_75
It should work on WM6 - and WM6 has .Net built in - just no landscape suport but should be OK. Try it anmd let us know how you get on.

Well I downloaded this software last night. Alas its a .exe file - which I have no idea how to install on our phones. Someone did tell me its possible - they just didnt tell me how :( SO if anyone knows, please let me know and Ill try install it tonight :D

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Guest genaldar

I use one called Conversion, which sadly I can't remember where I got it, and it doesn't include any info but its nice and simple. I can post it here if anyone wants to try it.

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Guest bigdish

I have both "1-Calc Lite" or MSS Converter 1.03 from http//micromeg.free.fr

Both work in normal or widescreen.

1-Calc Lite is based on a calculator format ! and MSS is icon based.

Take your pick.



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