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Need an automatic ping tool for keeping network connection alive

Guest Special2k3

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Guest Special2k3


i have a data option at vodafone germany with 200 MB Traffic inclusive. But there is a problem: Vodafone counts the traffic in 100kb Parts and terminates the connection if there is no data transfer for some minutes (mostly about 8 minutes)

I use the exchage Email push and there is no constand data traffic. Only when an email arrives or when the exchange sends a timeout.

So Vodafone terminates the internet connection, active sync recognized it and starts the connection again. That would be no real problem, but every connection is a new 100kb part.

So i've got about 30MB Traffic after 2 days only for reconnecting. That is not really good for my inclusive traffic.

So i need a tool like an automatic ping. A program, which sends every x minutes a ping so that there is a minimal traffic and vodafone keeps the connection alive.

Is there such a tool? It could also be a tool, which looks for updates every 5 minutes :( The program only have to do a little traffic. 

Because the connection is termindated by vodafone, no kaiser reg tweak is working.

I hope you can help me. 

Thank you in advance


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