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Active Sync 4.5 hassles.

Guest rireed

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Guest rireed

New phone (ASUS P750). Employer no longer allows new USB devices, so tried syncing from home over our VPN.

Outlook 2003 connects to Exchange server fine from my XP laptop. New phone has previously synced to Outlook 2003 on the laptop when off line -- I would bring calendar and contact updates to it using the old phone and then sync the new phone from that.

I set up the ActiveSync phone connection to go to Exchange over the USB connection to the laptop. I know I have SSL right, because when I turn it off the server turns me down.

The following is stopping me now:

Connected: View Status

Click on the link and see "Synchronization could not be completed. Try again later. Support code: 0x80072F7D

I've tried three things I could google:

- SSL on and off

- Registry setting on the PC (don't know how on device): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\AllowLSP=DWORD:0

- Hard Reset

I also switched off firewalls and fooled around with firewall and SSL settings on the VPN, but no change.

Don't know if P750 will sync over WiFi, which was someone else's fix, forget which phone.

Any ideas?



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Guest rireed

This is fixed now. Feel a bit silly.

My laptop was connected to work by our VPN. Outlook 2003 was configured to show the Exchange folders but delivery was left to the exchange folder, not my PC. This is fine and as intended.

I was trying to configure the PPC to connect to Exchange. That would have required the VPN to run from my PPC. Everything worked when I configured ActiveSync just to sync to the PC folders, actually the Exchange data presented as PC folders.

I should add that this is just for contacts and calendar. I leave email on the server.


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