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problems with headphone adapter cutting out mono/stereo

Guest loustylez

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Guest loustylez

I finally bought a headphone adapter. Excited to be able to listen to stuff at work and keep it in my pocket (i get up to go to the printer often). Everything sounds great but the adapter cuts out stereo and goes to mono if its moved barely at all. It works fine sitting on the desk though. Anybody have this issue with theirs? I can't seem to find the exact one I ordered on Amazon anymore but they're shipping me another one.

It's the design that comes straight out. Do the angled ones work better perhaps?

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Guest lozzd

This is one of the reasons I just gave up and bought a new iPod instead. Sound quality is better, more storage, and a million times better battery.

This was because if I moved mine, it didn't just cut to mono (which would be fine) it actually "unplugged" completely and the sound would come blaring out of the speaker. Quite embarrassing! I know my iPod won't do that.

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