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Battery Discharges on standby

Guest oldg1t

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Guest oldg1t

I have had my Tmob Kaiser for over 3 months but just recently I find that each morning my phone requires a reboot and when it comes up I get the message telling me battery level is critical and I should recharge to save data etc.

I have checked my backlight powersave settings and they are unchanged eg off after 2 minutes on battery. I have no alarms set etc emails are set to download manually so in theory there is nothing for it to do except sleep !

Any suggestions before I call Tmob support and lose my phone for ages while its fixed ?

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Guest RickDawson

HTC Home?

What other software have you installed?

I always used to charge mine overnight, but now swap batteries for it. with one in my desktop charger.

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Guest Kaiser Wilhelm II
I have had my Tmob Kaiser for over 3 months but just recently I find that each morning my phone requires a reboot and when it comes up I get the message telling me battery level is critical and I should recharge to save data etc.

I have checked my backlight powersave settings and they are unchanged eg off after 2 minutes on battery. I have no alarms set etc emails are set to download manually so in theory there is nothing for it to do except sleep !

Any suggestions before I call Tmob support and lose my phone for ages while its fixed ?

I can't tell you how to fix it but I can report that it occasionally happens to my Vodafone 1615 Kaiser too. I'm guessing some rogue code (could be an app or in the WM6 OS) keeps running and drains the battery even when the device is nominally 'off'.

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Guest oldg1t
HTC Home?

What other software have you installed?

I always used to charge mine overnight, but now swap batteries for it. with one in my desktop charger.

The only thing I found running (in 'running programs' was Yahoo which appears after I have done a send & receive in the Outlook client. looks like a desktop charger & spare battery then.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The only thing I found running (in 'running programs' was Yahoo which appears after I have done a send & receive in the Outlook client. looks like a desktop charger & spare battery then.

I had this same issue after i recently changed my ROM.

I think it was because I was leaving the phone overnight in an area with poor reception. When i turned the cellular radio off it was fine.

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Guest jimbouk

I don't quite follow.

If you are saying your device uses battery whilst sat there working as a mobile phone overnight, then thats normal - especially if your signal is weak.

I am guessing you are probably one of the few WM users who doesn't charge your device up every night.

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I don't quite follow.

If you are saying your device uses battery whilst sat there working as a mobile phone overnight, then thats normal - especially if your signal is weak.

I am guessing you are probably one of the few WM users who doesn't charge your device up every night.

Let me clarify.

If I leave my phone on overnight (in standby) with a fully charged battery then it will become completly discharged by the morning.

This has only happened since I changed my ROM and radio.

I have now changed to another radio but I'm away so I cant try it out yet.

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