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Disable Wake Up on new SMS

Guest chucky.egg

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Guest chucky.egg

I'm trying to stop my Kaiser from waking up when a new SMS arrives.

I dont use a lock, so the device wakes up and the screen gets a "tap" in my pocket.

I've tried the reg tweak from the Diamond users

3. Wake Up on New SMS --> HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL : DisableSMSWakeUpEvent <-- set to "1" by default. Change value to "0"


But that hasn't worked, and seems to stop the SMS notifications (sound, vibrate, message). In fact I've just removed that setting and the device is STILL not notifying me, and sometimes wakes up, sometimes doesn't.

I'm using a Vodafone v1615 with the TLR WM6.1 ROM

Anyone got any bright ideas on either? (Stopping the wake up, or fixing the lack of notifications)

I've got a backup so I might start with a Hard Reset to make sure it's not something that's "always" been there.

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Guest chucky.egg


Did a hard reset and tested, worked as expected (beep, vibrate and shows message)

Restored from my Sprite Backup and it stops notifying again

At the moment I suspect it's mccSMS2Go, but I can't seem to get rid of it fully - have uninstalled and it hasn't fixed the issue

Trying to find the changes that SMS2Go makes...


Ooops, partly my fault!

You have to de-activate mccSMS2GO first, then remove it.

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Guest chucky.egg

OK, I've got my notifications back, whoo hoo.

Still looking for a way to stop the device waking up when an SMS comes in though...

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Guest brandall
OK, I've got my notifications back, whoo hoo.

Still looking for a way to stop the device waking up when an SMS comes in though...

I was annoyed by this problem too - the best I could come up with was to install S2U2 - you may be familiar with it. It's a fantastic app that will keep the device locked and notify you on the screen as well as give you other info such as weather and missed calls etc - cool animated gifs too.....

post-126775-1214556981_thumb.gif post-126775-1214556835_thumb.jpg <-- here's mine!

Good luck

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Guest chucky.egg

I thought that was a bit overblown for my needs, so I've used DeviceLock for now

I've had to set it to "Suspend" the device and assign it to a hardware key usign Buttons in Control Panel - using "Lock on wake" caused error messages (even though it appeared to work)

I'm still hoping for a reg setting or something

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