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Sound issues

Guest daught

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Hello. I have a couple of sound issues that might or might not be related.

On WM 6.0 I have voice commands 1.6. The software works, small mic appears on screen and I can tell it to call x, but the software does not say anything. I cant hear the help menu or any of the confirmations it asks.

In Garmin XT my speed trap POIs don't make an audible warning. The navigation voice works well, but I REALLY want to have my phone screaming when I am in a speed trap area.

BONUS question: Any one know a i617 mount for motorcycles?

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Guest brian124

If you've overclocked above 276 using omapclock, that's likely the problem for why voice command doesn't work. I found that using 288 mhz made voice command unable to respond (another added side effect is that you can't record any voice notes either, they come out garbled). If this isn't the problem, try saying the whole thing - "Call Peter Parker" not just "Call Peter."

Dunno about Garmin, good luck with that.

Hello. I have a couple of sound issues that might or might not be related.

On WM 6.0 I have voice commands 1.6. The software works, small mic appears on screen and I can tell it to call x, but the software does not say anything. I cant hear the help menu or any of the confirmations it asks.

In Garmin XT my speed trap POIs don't make an audible warning. The navigation voice works well, but I REALLY want to have my phone screaming when I am in a speed trap area.

BONUS question: Any one know a i617 mount for motorcycles?

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1 problem that I had with voice command was that the audio gateway opened slower than voice command so I was not hearing the "da-beep" prompt from voice command when to begin speaking. This is adjustable via a registry hack if you find this is the problem.

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