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Bluetooth Serial Port Connection

Guest smp4488

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I am working on a car pc and i need a bluetooth serial connection to get my phone working with my computer. I can get the headset and audio gateway working. When i originally pair the phone to my computer it shows the serial port is connected for like five seconds then disconnects. Has anyone got the serial port going?

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Guest Christien
I am working on a car pc and i need a bluetooth serial connection to get my phone working with my computer. I can get the headset and audio gateway working. When i originally pair the phone to my computer it shows the serial port is connected for like five seconds then disconnects. Has anyone got the serial port going?

Are you referring to the ActiveSync com port and bluetooth combo? What exactly is the serial needed for?

I had an issue with ActiveSync and bluetooth, but I found if I just delete each others entries in the bluetooth settings and re search for services it would work after a couple of tries.

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Like i said i need it so my phone can interface through my car pc. There is a program called freefone that lets you use your phone through a bluetooth serial port. I cant even get active sync working over bluetooth. I tried with the origional blackjack now im trying with the bjII, still with no luck. This has been a problem of mine for a long time.

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