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Winterface 1.14 now with Weather

Guest VITOkonstantin

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Guest VITOkonstantin

Vito Tehnology have recently released a new version of Winterface - very popular new product that features Weather support. Vito are excited about this newly updated version because not only do users get a cool new version of Winterface with weather plug-in (status icon that show the temperature or meteorological icon) - they also get a free finger-friendly Weather application!


October 14, 2008 - VITO Technology updates Winterface - mobile shell for Windows Mobile devices. The new version of Winterface features a Weather icon among other status icons with "live" info like time, calendar, e-mail, tasks and other icons. Winterface 1.14 also addresses some minor device specific bugs and provides further improvements.


Since Winterface was released in July there has been a definite call from its users for weather support. Many users find Winterface much more attractive than the Today screen and want to see Weather information in Winterface.


For this purpose VITO Technology has developed a free stand-alone product Weather. Weather installs on device just like any other application but its icon when added to Winterface displays the actual weather information. Weather is completely finger-friendly and easy to use application.

Among other improvements there are numerous bug fixes and cyclic page scrolling, i.e. users can flip through pages with icons from the last page immediately to the first one and vice versa.

Weather is a free application available for downloading here: http://iwindowsmobile.com/Weather.cab

VITO Technology Inc. is known for its innovative products in the field of Windows Mobile and Symbian software, GPS navigation and custom projects. Introduced in this press-release iWindowsMobile Communication Suite is an enhancement tool for Windows Mobile interface.

Useful links:

Winterface page: http://iwindowsmobile.com/vito-mobile-shell.html

Weather page: http://vitotechnology.com/en/products/vito-weather.html

Winterface download: http://iwindowsmobile.com/files/Winterface.cab

Weather download: http://iwindowsmobile.com/files/Weather.cab

So, has anybody been using Winterface? Are you going to upgrade to the next version?

Edited for news by WTFH!

[via VitoTechnology]

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Guest WearTheFoxHat

I quite like the look of this application. It certainly has similarities to the popular S2U2 application.

I wonder how well it copes with the omnias elongated screen!

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Guest mobilehappy

Have been using Winterface on Omnia for awhile, works great the screen resolution is no problem.

Upgraded to the new version and installed the new weather app today...and both work smoothly.

Unlike programs like for instance SPB Mobile Shell, Winterface does not really replace any of the "internal" navigation on the phone.

This lets you make short cuts and keep using the apps which work great in Omnia aswell as add short cuts to any extra apps you have installed.

You can actually run SPB Mobile Shell and Winteface at the same time without problems. :lol:

If someone from Vito read this, one request though... make the unlock slide touch function a little less decisive, now you need to keep the pressure close to 100% of way on the slider to unlock it. (50% of the way should suffice)

And while i am at it, also make a version of Zoomboard suitable for the wqvga resolution of Omnia. (landscape version)

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Guest mobilehappy

The new weather app is nice, but it should have have a setting for manual or automatic updates and for update intervals.

If you have it activated in Winterface, it will connect everytime the Winterface screen is in effect. Ie. if you are not connected to GRPS/3G it will do so upon loading the Winterface screen.

This sometime causes lags and even temporary visual glitches in the initial opening of Winterface.

On another point the app/setting/file selection interface is nice and finger friendly and have good scrolling and flick scrolling, but due to that the lists can be fairly long (especially the file lists) it would have a great improvement in usability if a alphabet letter jump side bar or a floating quick scroller (ala. the one in Omnias program menu) where to be added.

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I'm giving a try on my HTC Touch and I quite like it. Maybe I'm naive but I didn't realise until I showed it to someone else that's it's virtually identical to an iPhone interface, even down to the wobbling icons and stuff. :lol: Isn't there a danger Apple might get a bit annoyed?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I use ver 1.15.

I hope in next version,you will have power shorcut button to shutdown(i use psshutXP in my omnia but it not ok and it can't turn to slide to unlock screen) and battery shorcut with percent display(in omnia,battery shortcut disappear).

And one more important.You shoule show appointment,task,weather on lock screen.


Edited by ptd
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Guest dblkhrt99

is it just me or when you click to dl cab file it takes ya to a webpage with all kinds of html language. can someone tell me where to find a downloadable weatherface cab file?

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