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Anyone got a german i900V Firmware Package

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Guest ui_smith

Hi all. I bought a Samsung Omnia here in Germany from Vodafone. Just as I received it, i started to read about the firmwares, did a backup of my old version and flashe a new Firmware, because of some issues with the phone.

Two days later, after the phone did a real good job, a blue spot appeared on my screen when the phone got real hot. I tried to ask a Samsung Service Partner and asked him for a warranty repair but got only the answer, that the fault could possibly only been me, pressing the touchscreen too hard, so he would have to send it back to Samsung for further checkup.

As I don't want to give the phone away for some weeks, I would try to get an exchange phone directly from Vodafone, but therefore I need the original germany Vodafone Firmware.

My Problem is, that my version I backed up, is damaged. Would be great if anyone got an idea where to get this firmware from. (customization files would help aswell, i think)

Guest black-DraGon


geh zu vodafone und lass dir bei denen ein offizielles update aufspielen...

die servicepartner in deiner nähe lassen sich im netz bei samsung rausfinden...

translation :lol:


go to vodafone and let them flash an offitial firmware...

you found the servicepartners of your location are on samsungs webpage...

Guest ui_smith

Don`t you think, they will notice that I flashed the firmware myself and tell me that my warranty is voided because of that ?


Meinste nicht, dass die merken, dass ich das Ding selbst geflasehd hab und mir deswegen sagen, dass die Garantie abgelaufen ist ?

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