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Attention ROM Cookers

Guest bobobird

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Guest bobobird

How about doing something that truly enhances and utilises the capabalities of our Omnia ???

I am sure lots of people would like to have anti-theft / remote tracking on their phones but probably dont bother because a hard-reset will easily defeat the tracker. So the best way is to build these into the rom itself.

Just came across this http://remotetracker.sourceforge.net/ and perhaps our cooks could do something ??

Download from sf direct - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.p...lease_id=614380


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Guest bobobird
not really. anyone can install this and there more tools for remote tracking. better to have a clean rom and let the customization individual.

yes there certainly are many more such tools - major problem is if someone steals the phone and then immediately hard-resets (a smart thief would do that) and all precautions that you have taken are gone...

i have yet to see one that will still be active after a hard-reset.

any suggestions ?


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Guest Ingvarr

1) almost all phone thieves throw out the sim card immediately and never switch the phone on until they sell it to fence

2) phone goes to fence during a day or so

3) fences deal with dozens of stolen phones almost on professional basis, so they know all about tricks such as this

4) its not hard at all to download any clean ROM (from this forum for example) and flash it to obliterate any "protection" you tried to put in

so the question is - is it really worth the trouble of trying to put the "protection" in that really protects almost nothing?

if you want to reclaim the stolen phone, you'll have to go thru police anyway. if they will really wish to help you, they can just track it via IMEI. The real problem is that in case of stolen phones police mostly lacks will to help, not the tools to do so.

I wonder to how many people this "anti-theft" software really helped.

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Guest lastnikita

of course it can be useful.. I've been thinking at cooking that for a long time, and will do so soon.

many thieves aren't that organised, and will just sell it hand-to-hand or through ebay.

then you can just go for it or provide the police with the informations.

if you provide them with where to get your phone back, they may help.

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Guest JonPhone
of course it can be useful.. I've been thinking at cooking that for a long time, and will do so soon.

many thieves aren't that organised, and will just sell it hand-to-hand or through ebay.

then you can just go for it or provide the police with the informations.

if you provide them with where to get your phone back, they may help.

Agree with you, lastnikita. This can be VERY useful for us, even I didn't try it yet. And thieves are not (of course) so smart B) And If they want to flash our phone with a "clean" ROM, maybe they won't take the risk to brick it B)

To integrate it in a ROM (specialy the phone rescue number), the "simple" way, is to put in the CSCConfig.reg file inside the CSC.BIN file, with a simple GUI using weisun or Pako777 tools

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Guest Ingvarr

Police do not need any "informations" from you to get your phone back, except IMEI number.

If you give them IMEI, they can track the phone.

If they don't want to bother tracking your stolen phone, they won't do it even if you will provide them with data from this utility.

Obviously you have no idea how huge stolen phones black market is. Its a massive industry by itself, and its backed by certain circles because when the phone is stolen from person, he/she buys the new one instead of using it until it falls apart.

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Guest lastnikita

police would never do anything with an IMEI, except if the phone happens to land by them after they catched someone.

because it would involve too much work & hassle for a single phone. operators answer delays are also too long.

but if you tell them "ok I have the SIM & phone number of the theft/new owner" and maybe even more, it could be easier.

even if we don't take police into account, I could have used this a couple of time to get my lost phone back.

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Guest Ingvarr

If you gave them the SIM & phone number, they will still have to go thru operator - how they'll find the phone you think, phone thief and ask for his address? B)

If you just need to get a lost phone back, you dont need to go thru elaborate measures of trying to embed the tracker in the ROM. Just install it as usual, it will not decrease your chances much (because chance will be slim to start with).

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  • 2 months later...

Haven't tested it yet. If you do so please tell me, then I'll open a topic for it :)

This will put RemoteTracker in the CSC, so you can use it with custom ROMs too


Ultrafast User Guide:

1. extract zip

2. copy a ROM (.exe) into the directory

3. Drop the exe onto "kicsomagol"

4. Use executor to extract the csc

5. Copy the contents of the RTC directory in the customer_csc directory

6. Run RTRegCreator

7. Create the rt.dll

8. Copy rt.dll into customer_csc directory

9. Edit Customer_csc\CSCConfig.xml with a text editor (like notepad)

10. Search for the line <characteristic type="FileOperation">

11. If found copy the contents of _hozzaad_.xml after the previous line

12. If not found, then add <characteristic type="FileOperation"> after <wap-provisioningdoc> then add the contents of the _hozzaad_.xml then add </characteristic>

13. Save

14. Run executor to recreate the csc

15. Create the exe using executor

16. Flash and enjoy

I coldn't test it yet (omnia is 220kms away from me currently :D ), but tell me whether it works/doesn't work. If it does I create a better guide and open a new topic for this :)

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Guest bobobird
Haven't tested it yet. If you do so please tell me, then I'll open a topic for it :)

This will put RemoteTracker in the CSC, so you can use it with custom ROMs too


Ultrafast User Guide:

1. extract zip

2. copy a ROM (.exe) into the directory

3. Drop the exe onto "kicsomagol"

4. Use executor to extract the csc

5. Copy the contents of the RTC directory in the customer_csc directory

6. Run RTRegCreator

7. Create the rt.dll

8. Copy rt.dll into customer_csc directory

9. Edit Customer_csc\CSCConfig.xml with a text editor (like notepad)

10. Search for the line <characteristic type="FileOperation">

11. If found copy the contents of _hozzaad_.xml after the previous line

12. If not found, then add <characteristic type="FileOperation"> after <wap-provisioningdoc> then add the contents of the _hozzaad_.xml then add </characteristic>

13. Save

14. Run executor to recreate the csc

15. Create the exe using executor

16. Flash and enjoy

I coldn't test it yet (omnia is 220kms away from me currently :D ), but tell me whether it works/doesn't work. If it does I create a better guide and open a new topic for this :)


nice buddy, i would like to give it a try

where to find the tools sir ??

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