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Vote your BEST ROM !

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Guest fotomitru
Posted (edited)

Hellow :D

I am totaly lost in this posts because all you are coocking 1205345594803486 ROM`s.

Why we don`t upload and keep just a better ROM and delete that ROM`s that are older, slower & worst B)

+ it will be fine to make a votation to determinate witch ROM it`s most recommended & used.

HKK MKK HL2 FK3???? :) :( :( no HJKFR is the best! That`s should be the answer!

I hope i didn`t write something wrong it is just my opinion :rolleyes:

For me the best ROM will be one that is Cleaned up with a option of customize the default SMS-program, default E-MAIL program, default CONTACT program, default Calendar program. And with a good GPS support, battery performance, response time, touch experience and phone functionality.

Then will be good to build a full program list by purpose of use (WEB BROWSERS, GPS PROGRAMS, IMAGE VIEWERS, SKINS - TODAY PLUGS (MD2, ThrottleLauncher, VITO - WINTERFACE), CAMERA software and other...)




ADD your vote by coping the previous vote, so we keep a list of all votes.

If you see that your favorite ROM is in the voting list just sum up the "Number of votes"

Edited by fotomitru
Guest bobobird
For me the best ROM will be one that is Cleaned up with a option of customize the default SMS-program, default E-MAIL program, default CONTACT program, default Calendar program. And with a good GPS support, battery performance, response time, touch experience and phone functionality.

Tell us when you find one... :rolleyes:

Guest jonathanlkk
Tell us when you find one... :)

LOL :(

Let me see.... My best ROM will be...ermm... HH3, HI3, HJ1, HK2 and it might change to HL3, HM2, HN3 later on... So, i guess it's pretty hard to know which is the best rom... Right? cause everybody WANTS a NEW Improved and BETTER ROM. Always.... If not, You wouldn't even be in MoDaCo searching for the latest ROM... :(

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year To all!!! :rolleyes:

Guest Turb0wned

The best rom is by far lufeig's "clean rom" HK3 With HL2 radio. Well how about this. The best rom are all the ones that lufeig's makes.

Guest bobobird

As a member of the FAA, I like all flavours.

With a HTC or a Nokia, I get bored within a month of purchase. This one has kept me entertained for months (thx to secany)!


trails roms are the best because they are true OMNIA roms

Widgets,youtube,zoomer nall

Salutations to TRAIL


If you want to customize your phone then lufeig's ROM's are the best. If you want a lot of features integrated into the ROM, then choose taril's or PaSSoA's. Or if you like the official ROM's then choose between HK3 (stability) or HL1 (features)


DXHL2 pack with Adobe Flash Lite 3.1/.NetCF 3.5 from Taril...

The very best...

Guest jpotrpin
DXHL2 pack with Adobe Flash Lite 3.1/.NetCF 3.5 from Taril...

The very best...

i agree, my favourite ROM so far

Guest bobobird

Used LF's latest since it came out - GR8 ROM - gps, after first fix, refixes withing 2-5 secs. Excellent.

Testing Taril's now

Guest shokka9

whatever ROM i build from now on...

Thanks Sztupy!! I never much notice much difference between ROMs, always on the latest and greatest; but i like mine clean (same as Lufeig). Then you install what you want.

HL2 is great for space (if you remove everything like us). HK3 was great all round.

All ROMs have the pros and cons, its user specific.

Guest fotomitru
If you want to customize your phone then lufeig's ROM's are the best. If you want a lot of features integrated into the ROM, then choose taril's or PaSSoA's. Or if you like the official ROM's then choose between HK3 (stability) or HL1 (features)

Yeah i wan`t to custumise my ROM I totaly don`t like the Samsung original today plug-in - it have no sense putting out and in the things you need for use it.

I have researched all the internet about the application and tested it ... and i can`t find a clean ROM with full working M2D with landscape mode, working flash 3.1 & youtube program like on HTC, working GPS, WIFI and PHONE. Then i wish that i can set the default SMS program and CONTACT program, because the WM default progs realy sux!

I do not know why it is so hard to make the program works on Windows mobile ... why one of relase of OPERA is fully working in that ROM with flash 3.1. and on the other ROM with identic relase of Opera and flash 3.1 it is not working. And why the YouTube program form XDA forum is working on HTC pda-s on WM 6.1 and not working on my omnia with the same WM 6.1.

The best programs i found in my research:

VITO - SMS-Chat, Fun Contact, EYEPHOTO


Opera for browsing

Using Garmin XT for GPS

Google maps ...

S2U2 to unlock

This will be the program list i find usable for default ...

ThrottleLauncher it is a good option for using "M2D" but is still a deep beta.

Can someone help me to build a ROM starting with the new clean DXHL2 with good program basics (camera, updated enhanced GPS...) , integrated M2D with landscape support, custumisable default SMS and CONTACT program, fully responsable working OPERA mobile - with fully working flash (youtube.com & if can someone open my web page www.fotomitru.com - totaly flash web page) support and java to use www.facebook.com ... This will be a dream ROM.

OR ... buy a apple Iphone and get all these options ready to use ... but i hate it because of stupid limitations like bluetooth!!!!

  • 5 weeks later...

M2D_IA2_Lite_phoneDXHL2 pack with Adobe Flash Lite 3.1/.NetCF 3.5 from Khuanchai

The very best...


Taril's are the Best as the are very optimized while keeping the original SW of the Omnia.


imho, best rom is always the stock rom released by the original manufacturer.

all the others are based on them, so without stock rom, no cooking would exist, and there would be no fun for chefs or flashers!


Taril this and Taril that :-) Cannot vote for something I missed :-(

Anyways I can get Taril's ROM and see what all the fuss is about?

Guest bobobird
Posted (edited)

As lufeig says, absolutely no hassles, install what 3rd party stuff you want (if compatible) and off you go.

EVERY custom rom presents its own set of problems.

BARE ROMS, takes out the stuff that the cooks think you dont or wont need. But when you need it then it is a slow install trip back to an almost original ROM. And, I dont know why the cooks call them CLEAN, a clean rom in my book is one that retains everything from the original and takes out only stuff that is *absolutely NOT required* for the phone to function with ALL its default features. No one should say that some app is removed becuase no one uses it (yes, that includes sharepix or connected home for example).

M2d ROMS, again the hassles of installing what was already there in the first place but then having to link them all up into Programs. Plus you have to live with whatever graphic "enhancements" the cook has made. What he likes is not exactly what you will like. Another thing about m2d, thick borders are sooooooooo old-fashioned...

OPTIMISED ROMS (eg Taril's that havent removed anything and with useful extras) - Removes the hassles of having to reinstall any of the original apps. BUT present a secondary issue - merging of FL2 with FL3 is a bad mix. Just try the OnlineWidgets and check back on them after a couple of reboots. All will be broken and cannot be fixed without a hard reset but then the cycle will just repeat. Since fl3x is there only for youtubing within Opera, what is wrong with using youtubeplay instead of messing up the widgets ? That is a pretty slight inconvenience!

So in short - if you want no hassles, go with STOCK rom. OR Taril's of course even with that minor bug.

On IA2 now and have about 15 apps installed to either the SD card or My Storage and still have 50mb left. More than enough for anything! No ?

But I am a FAA member so will continue flashing every rom that comes out - custom or otherwise. It is FUN.... HAHA

My 2cents.

Edited by bobobird
Guest mobilehappy
Posted (edited)

What is important differs from people to people so a wide choice of ROMS is great.

Have tried out some of the cooked ones at times just to see what all the "jive" is about, but mostly i have stayed with original ROMS. (HK3 was fairly good)

But the latest IA1 and IA2 have been a little low on free memory so i have been using one of the latest Lufeig ROMS , which have been very stable, fast and with alot of free Memory.

I am actually hoping a official Omnia WM 6.5 ROM will be available when its launched, but i guess that will not happen since todays Omnia is already yesterdays news and Samsung would rather launce a new model with 6.5. (Also since the screenshots showcasing the UI of 6.5 seems ok and it can make most of the 3 party skins like M2D, Mobile Shell and similar more or less redundant)

But will ofcourse have a go at the Cooked Omnia 6.5 ROMs which are bound to come :)

Edited by mobilehappy
Guest zagzag99

Best so far was HL3 and HJ1.

From all those I tried I liked Taril's version of ALL included but with extra space.

And I had no problems with the FL2 and FL3 together.

But that's not a must as long as all the other Samsung Apps manage to work with FL3 just as with FL2 (if they needed).

I have nothing against "clean" ROMs, they just need to post the stripped apps as CABs so people will be able to get what they really use.

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