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Vote your BEST ROM !

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Guest Barthlon
As lufeig says, absolutely no hassles, install what 3rd party stuff you want (if compatible) and off you go.

EVERY custom rom presents its own set of problems.

BARE ROMS, takes out the stuff that the cooks think you dont or wont need. But when you need it then it is a slow install trip back to an almost original ROM. And, I dont know why the cooks call them CLEAN, a clean rom in my book is one that retains everything from the original and takes out only stuff that is *absolutely NOT required* for the phone to function with ALL its default features. No one should say that some app is removed becuase no one uses it (yes, that includes sharepix or connected home for example).

M2d ROMS, again the hassles of installing what was already there in the first place but then having to link them all up into Programs. Plus you have to live with whatever graphic "enhancements" the cook has made. What he likes is not exactly what you will like. Another thing about m2d, thick borders are sooooooooo old-fashioned...

OPTIMISED ROMS (eg Taril's that havent removed anything and with useful extras) - Removes the hassles of having to reinstall any of the original apps. BUT present a secondary issue - merging of FL2 with FL3 is a bad mix. Just try the OnlineWidgets and check back on them after a couple of reboots. All will be broken and cannot be fixed without a hard reset but then the cycle will just repeat. Since fl3x is there only for youtubing within Opera, what is wrong with using youtubeplay instead of messing up the widgets ? That is a pretty slight inconvenience!

So in short - if you want no hassles, go with STOCK rom. OR Taril's of course even with that minor bug.

On IA2 now and have about 15 apps installed to either the SD card or My Storage and still have 50mb left. More than enough for anything! No ?

But I am a FAA member so will continue flashing every rom that comes out - custom or otherwise. It is FUN.... HAHA

My 2cents.

i almost totally agree, except for the fact that slightly cleaned up roms would be the best for everybody and are in that way better than base roms. i think if it is acceptable to assume that only 1-5% of the people use a certain program, you can leave it out of the rom (so, like sharepix and connected home).

the usage of flashlite 2 or 3 is always gonna be a point of argument if samsung doesn't adjust their widgets to the latest version of fl. i don't use the widgets, so i think the updates of flashlite, .net etc. are great, but the widget lovers will always have a problem.

the best rom (in my opinion) is a slightly cleaned up rom with flashlite and .net updated to version 3 and all other software updated to the latest version there is (windows live, google maps, opera etc.).

Guest goran1985



Guest bobobird
Posted (edited)

As can be seen in this thread - taril's is taking the vote - not much of a surprise now is it ?

Fact - people want a complete rom not bits and pieces, not htc pretenders, not ones that end up being more work then is needed, just simple stuff. Sure there are those who like the alternative flavours, but from what I have seen since the start of this sub-forum, the majority still prefer either stock or near stock or improved stock.

One day while at a friend's place (I rarely show it publicly) a call came in which had to be taken. It was on a the pdaviet m2d rom, and the first comment from the guy sitting next to me was "Is that a new HTC" ? errrm cough cough. No ? Why do you ask? errrmmmm errrrrmmmm cough cough.....

But all flavours are nice and experimentation keeps us entertained. The only problem atm is that almost all cooks seem to have a HTC fetish. Come on guys, while we all appreciate the work that is put into these alternatives, HTC'ing is getting very boring...

For now will stick with stock or any new tarils (please come back). And waiting patiently for Hellbender to finish his work.

Edited by bobobird

I vote for Taril!

His rom is the best for me. 80MB+ storage while I can have all Samsung Application in it.

I vote for Tarils DXHL3 FINAL

Taril DXHL3 here too.

Stable, fast, longer battery life and includes the Samsung apps.

Guest gianton

Tried almost all of the Manilla ROMs but best for me so far is Taril's DXHL3 FINAL.

Guest ktgohdt125

no doubt, Taril's rom is the one & only for me.....

from day 1 i started to flash my omnia until the last rom DXHL3 FINAL,

never miss a single 1.... :) :D :) ;) :P :(

Guest cooluisgzz
Posted (edited)

Taril Rom is THE BEST, his job is just outstanding. Im currently using DXHL3 Finale, couldnt be happier

Edited by cooluisgzz
Taril Rom is THE BEST, his job is just outstanding. Im currently using DXHL3 Finale, couldnt be happier

Taril IA2 :)

Guest thegoodly
Taril IA2 :)

count me in for tarils AI2 A+++++++++++


Can any one help us to get Taril IA2 ? even on a different forum ?

Any special instructions to upgrade , or just the normal routine of XP ?

Thanks to you all.

Can any one help us to get Taril IA2 ? even on a different forum ?

Any special instructions to upgrade , or just the normal routine of XP ?

Thanks to you all.

Ive just started uploading to Rapidshare.

Slow connection Im afraid Ill post the link when its finished.

Ive just started uploading to Rapidshare.

Slow connection Im afraid Ill post the link when its finished.

Great , thank u very much enoir.

count me in for tarils AI2 A+++++++++++

Taril Rom is THE BEST, his job is just outstanding. Im currently using DXHL3 Finale, couldnt be happier


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