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Why doesn't ActiveSync sync with Touch Pro

Guest Mechanicaldan

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Guest Mechanicaldan

I've been a huge fan of Microsoft for the ActiveSync software for years with my SMT560 and S710, but I thougth I'd finally step up to the power house of PPC, and got an almost free HTC Touch Pro due to an Vodafone upgrade. Yeah!! So, all I need to do is plug this baby in and sync all my Outlook 2003 contacts, calendar, tasks, notes. OK, sync looks like it goes OK, then I notice I'm missing some calendar events from next week and I'm missing some contacts. Strange. OK, soft reset. Resync, no change. Then hard reset. Then sync with S710. Now contact and calendar events that were on smartphone are now missing. Fine, delete relationships and start over. No good. Remove ActiveSync and reinstall. No improvement. Compact .pst file. Nope. Tons of Googling. Export contacts, Import Contacts. NOW THEY ARE ALL MISSING FROM TOUCH PRO.

What the heck is going on??? I have 336 Contacts in Outlook. First sync with TP shows 0/336, then it resyncs automatically and says 0/226. Sync is all done, but NONE show up under contacts on device? I've unchecked contacts on the relationship, and rechecked the box, but I can't get my ANY of my contacts and only some of my calendar events to show up on Touch Pro.

This is crazy. ActiveSync says it's working. It's going through all the motions like normal, but things are just getting worse.

Any thoughts or advice on things to try?

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Guest Mechanicaldan

Well, for anyone coming across this in the future, I did get my problem solved. Apparently after much web surfing, my problem may have originally started because I had a photo assigned to one of my contacts, or there was information in the notes section of the contact which Activesync didn't like.

At one point, I exported all my contacts to a .csv file and reimported them. This also may have created a problem, which was corrected with a character deletion, creation, and save procedure below.

I highly suggest the first thing you do when trying to troubleshoot an Activesync problem is to make a back-up of your contacts, or even your entire .pst file. You may end up deleting everything from your PPC or Smartphone at some point, but as long as you have a copy of the data for your PC, you'll be fine and can always import it to Outlook and then Activesync it.

The first thing to run is "Detect and Repair" under the help menu of Outlook.

Then I removed the pairing on my Widows Mobile device and did a soft reset.

Then I removed the pairing from Activesync on my PC.

Then I uninstalled Activesync from my PC and restarted.

I reinstalled the newest version of Activesync on my PC, and plugged my PPC in using the USB connection.

I followed the wizard to set up the sync with my PPC.

At this point, some calendar events and contacts were still not syncing, but I tested the sync feature by creating calendar events and contacts both on my PC and PPC. This confirmed that the sync feature was working.

Then next thing I had to do was open each of the missing calender events on my PC and delete one character and then add it back, and then save.

At this point, the calendar event synced and showed up on my PPC.

Then, I opened each of the missing contacts, deleted one character and added it back, and then saved.

Then the contact would sync and show up on my PPC.

I only had a few calendar events that wouldn't sync, but I had over 300 contacts that originally wouldn't sync, so opening each one did suck, but in the end everything synced.

Much of this was learned over 5 evenings of searching the internet. Many of these tips came from the Microsoft Activesync forum here: http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w...vesync/threads/

Gook luck and godspeed. Me and my TouchPro are friends again.

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