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Unlimited net Touch HD

Guest farkah

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i'm curious, especially now in the hunt for a Touch HD how these companies can advertise 'unlimited' internet usage, then in the very text on another page state a 250Mb or 1Gb or whatever limit.

I looked it up in a dictionary, as far as I can tell the definition of unlimited is ".. of infinite quantity"

From t-mobile (for instance):

"We'll monitor how much you send and receive each calendar month so that we can protect our network for all our web'n'walk customers. If you use more than your fair use policy amount, we won't charge you any more, but we may restrict how you can use web'n'walk, depending on how often you go over your amount and by how much."

"Remember that you can only use web'n'walk in the UK and you can't use your phone as a modem or use web'n'walk for peer to peer file sharing, instant messaging (except if you have a Sidekick) or making internet phone calls."

Thus, the product they are selling is nowhere the definition of "unlimited" and why are they calling it such?

Surely, this must be in breech of advertising standards??

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Guest gibson99
i'm curious, especially now in the hunt for a Touch HD how these companies can advertise 'unlimited' internet usage, then in the very text on another page state a 250Mb or 1Gb or whatever limit.

I looked it up in a dictionary, as far as I can tell the definition of unlimited is ".. of infinite quantity"

From t-mobile (for instance):

"We'll monitor how much you send and receive each calendar month so that we can protect our network for all our web'n'walk customers. If you use more than your fair use policy amount, we won't charge you any more, but we may restrict how you can use web'n'walk, depending on how often you go over your amount and by how much."

"Remember that you can only use web'n'walk in the UK and you can't use your phone as a modem or use web'n'walk for peer to peer file sharing, instant messaging (except if you have a Sidekick) or making internet phone calls."

Thus, the product they are selling is nowhere the definition of "unlimited" and why are they calling it such?

Surely, this must be in breech of advertising standards??

I also agree with you - what is the point of defining a product in one way and then applying a qualifier to void the original description which alrady has an accepted meaning?!?

also...I was not aware T moble does not allow instant messaging :) I have an 18 month contract via expansys on my touch HD...shame I cannot use MSN

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Guest psionandy

Thus, the product they are selling is nowhere the definition of "unlimited" and why are they calling it such?

Surely, this must be in breech of advertising standards??

So... have you reported it to the asa?

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Guest jonajuna

all "unlimited" packages are "subject to our fair use policy" whether mobile or adsl

some companies state their fair use policy limits, others are vague.

loads of fuss has been made about it by us normal people and things like BBC watchdog, adslguide etc

i thinks its best just to accept that us little guys will always get shafted by the big companies and "vote with your money" by going with the provider that gives you the most for your buck

i suspect a future where we go back to pay as you go plans, but rather then per minute, its per MB, not just on mobile data, but on DSL services too

the line and connection speed are static and "paid for at outset" its the data transferred that is the ongoing cost and the ongoing profit making machine

could always buejack someone elses data connection..................................

(dont, its probably illegal :) )

Edited by jonajuna
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