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creating additional ring profiles

Guest mslaney

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Guest mslaney

Ok. So I upgraded to the BJII from an original BJ. On my BJ, there either already were or I could create, I don't remember which, several ringing profiles. That seems to be the one feature loss I've had when I moved to the BJII. I decided the other day that I was tired of that I would figure out how to make more. I did the leg work for the digging, but now I'm stuck. Any help would be appreciated.

I found that in HKCU\ControlPanel\Profiles there is a key for each of the profiles. It includes two names and an order (on how to sort the list I assume). So I made new key, "Car", and set LocName and Name to "Car" and order to "6" (everything else was 1-5). If I stop here, then "Car" will show up in my profiles list (both in the Quick List and through Start/Settings) and it will let me choose it. However, in Start/Settings, it won't let me edit anything, it's just blank.

I then searched some more and found that there were xml sheets for each profile in \\Windows. So I took the "Silent" profile (Silent.def.prof.xml), copied it to my computer, changed everything in the file and the filename that said "Silent" to "Car" and then copied Car.def.prof.xml back to my \\Windows folder. When I do this, the phone won't let me choose that profile and won't let me edit it in Start/Settings.

I feel like I may be missing something else. Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to get this to work!



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