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Exchange activesync problems

Guest monsterpt

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Guest monsterpt

I thought I would come to the smartest tech guys I know here at MoDaCo since all the IT people I pay have failed me.

Here is my problem:

Recently purchased Samsung Omnia i910

Was using verizons useless wirelesssync app to access email (only works when my laptop is logged into a VPN and running my Lotus Notes).

Company uses VPN for outside access.

I want to be linked to server via exchange activesync (everyone in my company uses Blackberry!). I know that the MS Exchange that they run for the BB is the same as what I would expect to run.

1. I think most of my problems are with VPN on the device. I don't know if I have any certificates on phone and I don't know where to get a pre-shared key to authenticate the IPSec connections.

When I try to log into the VPN server I get this message: "VPN server problems. Verify your username and password, and try again. If the problem persists turn the device off and try again." (Did this with no fix).

2. Not sure if I have set up the activesync connections properly. error support code is 0x8502000F

Under activesync configure server i entered my email address and let the Exchange server find server address successfully. I assume the server requires SSL connection. Finish. Sync.

This is when I get the Cannot Connect message about My VPN.

So back to VPN issues.

24/7 tech support at corporate and I still can't find anyone who knows what to do. They only know the BB devices but I have always liked my WinMo devices. I hate to swap devices with my wife (BB Storm user). I hope someone can help.

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Guest nocky100

First thing to check is whether your wireless operator supports VPN - maybe try from your PC using the phone tethered as a modem, the PC normally has better logs about what is going wrong.

Second thing is that there may have been a connection wizard that configures your high speed data connectivity and by default sets up a proxy setting which then blocks everything except HTTP and standard IMAP/SMTP/POP3 access. Going into connections and removing the proxy setting may help.

Nothing more to add.

I thought I would come to the smartest tech guys I know here at MoDaCo since all the IT people I pay have failed me.

Here is my problem:

Recently purchased Samsung Omnia i910

Was using verizons useless wirelesssync app to access email (only works when my laptop is logged into a VPN and running my Lotus Notes).

Company uses VPN for outside access.

I want to be linked to server via exchange activesync (everyone in my company uses Blackberry!). I know that the MS Exchange that they run for the BB is the same as what I would expect to run.

1. I think most of my problems are with VPN on the device. I don't know if I have any certificates on phone and I don't know where to get a pre-shared key to authenticate the IPSec connections.

When I try to log into the VPN server I get this message: "VPN server problems. Verify your username and password, and try again. If the problem persists turn the device off and try again." (Did this with no fix).

2. Not sure if I have set up the activesync connections properly. error support code is 0x8502000F

Under activesync configure server i entered my email address and let the Exchange server find server address successfully. I assume the server requires SSL connection. Finish. Sync.

This is when I get the Cannot Connect message about My VPN.

So back to VPN issues.

24/7 tech support at corporate and I still can't find anyone who knows what to do. They only know the BB devices but I have always liked my WinMo devices. I hate to swap devices with my wife (BB Storm user). I hope someone can help.

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